Dear pain

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Dear pain we've been together for so much time, I lost track counting the years. I felt you in multiple ways, Physically, mentally, emotionally. I felt I was a broken heart when my first girlfriend and I broke up, I felt us depression, I felt you as a bruised leg. I felt harassed disappointment as abandonment, as this sharp pain in my back, that didn't seem to fade. I felt as loneliness and I felt as an orphan in my own home. There's more but, you know about all the ways, but as much as I'm used to having you around I think is time we go out separate ways.

See times change, and the past is long gone, and the reason why I feel you in my back is because I've been carrying these past events for too long. This story that I keep repeating to myself, the same symphony that's been playing over and over. I'm tried if rereading it, and I'm tried of listening to it. Nothing is forever, and neither is our relationship. I love you and I'm thankful for you, because if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have realized that I'm so much more, that I am more than the things that happened to me.

That I am the one to break the cycle and my family, if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have learned, all these valuable lessons that turned me into the person I am today, and I couldn't give them away like I do. But I think we are better off not spending so much time together anymore. You gave me a lot, but you also took a lot out of me, especially energy and I herby take my power back, you're a big part of my story, but I won't let the story so far have all this control over me, in the present moment anymore. It's time to turn the page and write a new chapter, and this time, I'm very much aware that the pen is in my hands.

Thank you for making me feel what I was too blind to see, but I'm healing now and I'm letting you go, we're probably gonna see each other again sometime, but just north at the next time, I won't let you stay. I won't make myself suffer? I'll take the lessons and then you'll have to go. Thank you I love you but from a distance

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