I'm gonna spend my entire life missing him

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People keep asking me, how are you felling? What are you feeling? I have no answers...
I'm going to spent my entire life missing him.

How do they wake up everyday? But you do wake up, and just for a second you forget. And then "oh you remember" and it's like getting that call again....

And again... every time.
You don't get to stop waking up,
for two minutes or so we can maybe all remember the best part of him.

I feel more the I know how to express, I'm heartbroken. Do you think that I'll ever forget it? Because I'm afraid that one day, I will.

He was my person, I had it all planned out.
And.... now what?
I don't know... something is different?
Maybe something better?

It's just.. I don't think that's possible.

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