dear best friend...

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dear best friend i hope that you're good, genuinely good. since you're been gone it has not been easy, but i want to say thank you. even thought broke me into a million pices when you left i want to say... tank you even though i miss you every day i want to say thank you. thank you for inspiring me. inspiring me to face my fears.

You make me want to Work on myself and even though doing side is one of the hardeste thinks i've ever had to do.

I'm doing it and i wish you could se me, i wish you could be here to see me transform into this new person bot you're not here. i just hope you're proude of me.

i'm not made at you i'm just in pain, but What's the sun without a littel rain, right? i once told you i could conquer the World with just one hand as long as you were holding the other now all i have is he thought of you holding it but i will still conquer the World no matter were you are.

i will stay strong and stand fall becaus i know you would't want to se me fall, What ever success i'm celebrating i will always think of you frist because you are my bigeste inspiration and i want you to be proud of me, i just want you to be proud of me but i want you to keep going too, i want you too win even thoagh i can't be there to celebrate with you i want you too be yourself be the light you want tee se in the World you have everything you need inside if you.

but you know that i told you more than i enough but i want you to always remember. i hope you remember my Words when you feel alone i hope you remember all the Words i told you when you were Down on yourself and i hope you'll find the strength to pice yourself up if you ever fall i know you can i know you will the person that i saw inside of you can handle it all you're strong you're inteligent you're wonderful.

you can move Mountains if you want to, you should believe in yourself becaus i believe in you, and no matter What happens no matter What you do, no matter were you are in the World snd no matter where i am in the World i will always love you and that will never chanang. Maybe i am the sun and you are the moon but even they can be seen together in the same sky sometimes until we meet Again... take care

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