"Is suicide really a choice?"

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suicide. successful, suicide.... is permanent. suicide is not temporary. you will not comeback. NO ONE!. can suicide be a choice? if it's the only choice availble? "how sorry i am for all the trubel i have caused you. but you don't have to worry becaus from now on i wan't be around to cause you any pain"

Most people never would of guessed they probably would of even been suprised to find out how i would hate the way the sunlight came inro my window every morning then i would wake up. please tell everyone that i'm sorry tell them that i tried i really tried to make it wrok and only know one way to turn it off i'm sorry. the only thing i could think in that moment nobody would even know that you're gone so that's it i guess goodbye...

people seem planty eager to talk about menatal illess and about suicide. just as long as it's behind closed doors and in hushed voices... don't give up on youself and stay strong!

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