Think about your ex

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//uhm a little story I didn't have time for More I'm a little busy at the moment but I hope you will enjoy it//

You met a girl at school, you guys become good friends, You learn how to trust each other. Friendship grows stronger, you start having feelings one day you text her, and she feels the same way. You guys get together, she makes you happy and you make her happy. Everything seams right.

You left each other sleepless, you talked night still morning. A month went by, arguments came, you started losing feelings. She noticed you were acting different, she started feeling unwanted, but she didn't leave you, she needed you. She didn't know what to do, she cried her self to sleep most night.
You got fed up, too much stress, and then you left her.

Months went by, you were happy as anything. A whole weight lifted from your shoulders, yet she was hurting. You still cared about her, you started to miss her, You started to regret. So you texted her. Days went by... no reply.

She finely answered you, but she had moved on. You had lost her, and she was never coming back, she would never be yours again, she would never be your best friend again. You'd never have those last night conversation with her again, because it was too late, she was gone.

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