Beside you

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The moment I handed my soul over to your controle, is an experience unable to be compared. Mostly when you're an animal that can only communicate with me in expressions in a language that I have to put effort and focus into understanding.

Every flick of the tail, twitch of the ear, movement of the eye, I know you trying to tell me something.

The moment I met you, gave me no sight into the further we would hold your willingness to do your job with no expectations from me, you did not want to be fussed over. You did not need me. But I understood some part of me needed you, and your stubbornness was trouble I faced, I found myself running to the only light I could find you.

In you there was hope; hope for happy days, hope that I'm bringing forward the good horse I saw in you, the endless possibilities to a happy life would appear before us both. The road to your trust was not an easy one, there were setbacks ten miles long, but with some faith and hard work, we found out Way through.

When you finally settled your head on my Shoulder and let out a deep sigh, I finally found the peace I never knew I was searching for, I found my place- it's always been beside you.

In the chaos of my life, you have carried me through every problem without hesitation or fear. Without you, I would not know courage or love in it's full capacity.

I have learned that the most humble feeling is dirt between my teeth; the taste of failure has become synonymous with the moment I swallow a mouthful of the gritty arena footing. But, every time I rise back up, you are patiently, despite the arguments, the let downs, the injuries- you have always giving me your all.

There are no words to describe the pride that bubbles in my gut every time I get to call you mine. From the first day to the last, you have made me proud to be your protector- to know a soul like yours has been nothing short of an honor.

To fight, win, lose beside you is an experience I have been Lucky to have lived. You have unlocked potential in me that I never saw.

You have helped me tame my demons, and take of my own fate you have taught me that having dreams is only half the battle, without action, a dream is nothing but that; a dream.

You have taught me the value of hard work, understanding and patience. In order to get what you need, you must be willing to step out on a limb and trust that even when you fall- you can still fly.

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