Just have fun kid

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Baby, the truth is, everyone leave. By choice or because they have to. You can't stop that and you can't stop living your life because you're scared. It doesn't matter if someone leaves, it matters how long they choose to stay; how much effort they put in. Everyone leaves. Everyone. I know that doesn't make the beginning or the end any easier but, you always have the middle you have all the accomplishments, and the fun.

And the good moments, and the bad ones too. When days get really hard, even the bad memories bring you some comfort. Because you remember the good moments that came from them. Hun, you can't be scared of life, you just have to live it. Bare your soul to the world; that's the beauty of it, you don't know that's going to happen, I know that's the scary part but, that's also the great part. You're gonna be okay it's all going to be alright.

I know it's scary now, and I know you're afraid- and it's okay to be afraid life's showed you that. I've always been scared, of everything and everyone I've just... always fears the worst in people, but  one day life showed me that these things happen. Your going to meet bad people and you're gonna understand why natural disaster are named after them; they take the most beautiful places and turn them ugly. Because whenever you go there  you think of them and you think of the hurt they caused.

But. Hun we all grow up, we all get older and we forgive even if we don't notice that we're forgiving. One day you wake up and it doesn't hurt as much. Yes it'll always be there but... it's not the same. Sometimes that's good thing, sometimes that's the Bedste thing that could ever happen. Just know that wherever you go, whatever you do or whoever you become. Somebody loves you, it Doesn't matter if it's now or if it's tomorrow or if it's a year from now. Someone loves you and/ or someone is waiting to love you.

Someone is waiting to give you all that they have, maybe this situation isn't working out for you know, but maybe the next one will, I know they say "there isn't always tomorrow" and I guess they're right. There isn't, but at the same time, there is. Despite the bad things that happen In your life you have to be content with it, it is you life regardless. We only have one, from what we know. Just go out there. Just have fun kid.

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