you're not okay

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pleas se the vidio! it really importe

"I can't take your pain?"
"It's because it's doesn't hurts"
"No you're okay!"
"It's okay"
"Pleas don't... stay with me! No No no c'mon honey it's okay"
"It's okay it's perfect"

i'm fine, yeah asid from the not sleeping the jumpiness the constant overwhelming, crushilig fear thet something terrible's abaout to happine, something happend to me, What? they think that these are gonna save someones life? suicide is not a option? yeah you know What? clearly it is an option. you know when you drowning you don't actally inhale, until right befor you Black out it's called voluntary apnea, it's like no matter how much you're freaking out, the instinct to not let any whater in so strong. that you wan't open your mouth until you feel like your head's exsploding but then when you finely do let in, that's when it's stop hurting it's not scary anymora, it's- it's actually kinda paceful.

it's like it's a panic attack you know, like i can't even breathe, "like you drowning?" "yeah" "so if you're drowning and you're trying to keep you're mouth closed until every last moment, What if you choose to not open your mouth? to not let the Water in?" " you do anyway it's a reflex" "but if you hold off that reflex kicks in you have more time right? more time to fight" " your way to the surface more time to be rescued, more time to be in agoning pain and did you forget about the pain where you feel like your head's exsploding?" " but if it's abaout survival isn't a Little worth it?" "What if it's agony now and then and it's just hell later on?" " if you're going through hell keep going"

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