Chapter 26 | You aren't the One I Came Here to See

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[Ambrosia Bellemore]

"Wow, you're trying hard." Freida whistles as I walk down the stairs. I sigh and roll my eyes, her sarcasm wasn't lost on me.

I was wearing high waist jeans and a white T-shirt with a leather jacket on top. I had deep blue sandals on that made me look almost as tall as Freida. Which means that I wasn't dressed extravagantly.

Which, I believe, is a good thing.

"Don't want to overdo it." I say with an easy shrug.

"From one to ten, how nervous are you?" Freida asks casually, picking one of her magazines. I notice with amusement that the front page had a picture of Cassandra and Xavier kissing, with a frowning Calum Achorn in the background. I control my urge to snicker.

"Me? Nervous? Pft. I'm great." I laugh, waving my hand dismissively in air. Freida narrows her eyes at me and I finally let my pretense drop.

"I'm so scared I might pee my pants." I admit, my face dead serious.

"I could see that." Freida muses, nodding her head. "How about this? Just close your eyes..."

"None of your yoga voodoo now, Frey." I plead.

"Just do it." She threatens. "Close your eyes."

I do.


I do.

"Count one to ten backwards."

9, 8, 7, 6...

"Boo!" She shrieks right in my ear and I jump half a foot in air, my hand travelling up to my neck in shock.

"What was that for?!" I scream at her.

"For vaselining my doorknobs." She screams right back at me.

"Now? You couldn't find a better time to prank me back?" I ask in utter disbelief. "Anyway, that was really lame." I comment.

"Still got you." She smirks evilly.

I huff in exasperation and walk out of the house with a sniggering Freida behind me.

"Don't stay up late to know how the date went." I warn her.

"You betcha." She winks. I sigh and walk to my car.

"Amy! Do you have the pepper spray I gave you?" Patrick hollers as I reach my car. I turn around to look at him, exasperated. He was like a very annoying grandfather I never had.

"Yes, Patrick. I've got it."

"And the brownies I baked you in case you got hungry?" Reggie demands, peeking out from behind the front door.

"I'm going out on a date, Reggie. I'll eat." I say, rolling my eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me, young lady! Men these days expect their women to eat less and I don't want you to garf down everything that you see and make a bad impression. Have a bite or two there, eat the brownies on your way back home." She reasons, her hands on her hips.

"I have them, Reggie. Thank you." I smile sweetly at her, giving up. She nods and waves me goodbye as I get into my car and drive off.

Joey's was a cozy, little diner (Freida's words, not mine), where old men usually hung out on the weekends. It was a fifteen minutes ride and as I park my car in a great spot and get out, I hoped I was there before Benjamin. If he decided to be there, that is, and not stand me up.

Positive thoughts, Ambrosia.

The diner wasn't crowded, thank the Lords, as I walked in. There were a few old men here and there, but it was, in fact very cozy. I make myself comfortable in one of the chairs, facing away from the door. The lighting was comforting and dim, perfect for conversations and hot steamy cups of coffee. I had to give it to him, Benjamin knew how to choose the perfect place.

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