Red hot starvation. [🍁]

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[Trigger Warning: Mention of eating disorders ]

[I'm keeping them as their original paladin things bc yes.]


Lance glared at himself in the mirror, pulling his shirt up slightly. He grimaced at himself. He was painstakingly skinny and his ribcage could be seen fairly easy. He'd never been one to eat much, or be considered overweight in any way.

Lance has always been a 'picky eater' per say, but here in space was even worse. He could barely stomach anything. So he made up a routine in which he'd store the goo in his mouth and immediately rush off to go puke out the disgusting gruel.

It wasn't necessarily that he hated eating or thought he was overwhelmingly fat, he simply just couldn't stomach anything.

It was odd how the other paladins hadn't noticed his massive weight loss, as the Cuban just barely weighed 120 lbs. Lance would be lying if he said he hadn't expected it. The group tended to ignore him. He'd even started to not talk at all, and people wouldn't even notice he was there. It hurt, but Lance was glad that they were happy.

Most of the paladins hadn't noticed that Lance hadn't eaten for a full week. This particular week seemed to be full with battles. The Galrans had been particularly pushy and Voltron wasn't having it.

So, no one noticed when Lance fainted during their mission. Well, no one except Keith.

"Where's Lance?" The Korean asked monotonously, trying to hide any real concern as to not condone teasing of his crush on the other paladin. The red paladin could hear Blue's worries as she called the other paladins for help. The poor lion had been stuck, as her fatigued paladin lay unconscious in the Galran ship.

Keith instinctively turned his ship around, racing back to get the blue paladin.

"Keith, wait!—" Shiro stopped himself. He'd expected Keith to get demolished or incinerated by droid ships, but it was the ships being demolished by the red paladin.

Adrenaline coursing through his half Galran veins, Keith bombarded through the barricade of ships and nearly collided into the ship. The red paladin ran at sonic speed screaming out for his dearest blue paladin. He'd run past sentries and droids and simply slice their head off or stop to stab them then continue running.

Keith just barely missed the lump of blue on the ground as he sped past. The Korean slid to a halt, nearly slipping as he ran up and grabbed the small Cuban boy bridal style. He was concerned at how light the smaller boy was, but had no time to stop as he could hear the aggressive pounding of droids chasing him down the halls.

"Get a pod ready!" Keith huffed out as he tossed himself into Red's hanger, leaving Lance limp in his lap. Lance looked at peace in his slumber, as if he was just floating aimlessly in space with nothing to worry about. It was quite ironic, as the duo had been getting shot at as they made their heroic escape.

Keith hadn't left the pod. He felt constant dread pulling at him as he awaited Lance to stumble out into his arms. Well, Hunk has stayed as well, but Keith would pummel him before lettting him catch his sleeping beauty. Or try to, as he'd probably look like an ant trying to attack a squirrel.

Coran thoroughly read over Lance's statistics and vitals, hoping there wasn't anything too drastic wrong with him. He obviously wouldn't admit it, but Lance was probably his favorite.

As Coran was finding the cause, Keith has been ever so silently eyeing the unconscious boy. Admiring every curve of Lance's body, but wincing a bit at every bone. Lance wasn't excessively skinny, but Keith knew that he was definitely under-weight. The Cuban boy weighed about as much as Pidge, who was the smallest one on the ship!

The raven haired boy felt at fault. It should've been obvious that Lance wasn't eating. He wasn't gonna dwell on it now though, so he continued his wait.

Lance stumbled out the pod in the middle of the night, directly into Keith's arms. "Lance. You're ok..." he mumbled. "And you're malnourished you idiot! What were you thinking!?" The taller boy whisper-shouted at him. Lance's tired eyes fluttered open as he groaned. "Yelling already..? Why don't you save it for bed, mullet?" He laughed dryly.

Keith's face flushed as he stepped back a bit from to hazy swaying Cuban before him. "Damn it, Lance! I'm trying to make sure you're ok and you're making your dumb flirts again!" Keith didn't think they were dumb. In fact, he cherished every flirt Lance made. He thought they were adorable, even if he knew Lance would never return his feelings.

Lance's head lowered. "Sorry.." he mumbled, his clutched and shaking hands not going unnoticed by the raven haired boy. "It's ok Lance, I shouldn't have yelled. But can I just ask why?" Keith glanced down at his stomach, reaching out and tracing the Cuban boy's stomach, resting his hands on his hips. Lance blushed and stepped closer. "I-it's hard. I used to have.. b-body issues and I went without eating for so long food makes me sick now. I can barely stomach anything anymore." He sighed, leaning into Keith's arms and yelping as he was suddenly picked up.

"K-Keith!?" He yelled. The other boy didn't respond, but only rubbed Lance's back, keeping a firm grasp on his legs with one hand as Lance hid his face in Keith's neck.

Keith begrudgingly set Lance down, grabbing a plate of goo. "Eat." He spoke calm, but the tone had a demanding underlying tone to it. Lance sighed, taking a small bite as he smiled a bit, eating more and more until the plate was gone.

"How did you—"

"Shh. It doesn't matter. But I'm gonna help you, ok?" The two exchanged a smile.

Keith and Lance began to run off more and more together, Keith making sure that his lover was recovering. The group didn't mind, often finding their pairing cute and quite honestly having been shipping it for a while now.

Lance's weight was now average, the team noticing he'd gotten noticeably.. thicker. Not that anyone minded of course. Especially Keith.


1053 words hAHA Y E E T  B O I

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