Part 52

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"The six of bows. This enchanting card depicts a short sly old woman, selling apples in the market. It has a board of flames and a sense of hellfire to it. This car is associated with a deep, deep sleep and also a failure..."

Groaning at the woman's way of speaking, Jaspar hit pause and pulled his earphones out. "This is going to put me to sleep," he muttered darkly, mostly to himself. He folded his arms on the bar and put his head in them to rest for a moment in silence. The room was mostly quiet, Elison upstairs helping move the bedroom furniture. He could hear someone cleaning glasses near him, the gentle sound of cloth rubbing against glass the only real sound in the room but whoever it was made no comment.

The woman's fake spiritual voice still ringing in his ears annoyingly. She just seemed to be droning on and on forever and he needed a break from it. Jaspar had hoped that once he had finished the deck he would be done and there would be some explanation as to how to actually use the cards. Instead, the woman had started a new deck of cards which were apparently used by the supernatural community. Apparently, the increase in options meant the supernaturals had decided they needed a different set.

The glass was set down with a slight clink. "Not the most interesting assignment?" Jaspar chuckled moving to next to him and ruffling his hair gently. "Want me to make you a cup of tea?" he offered.

"No, thank you," Jaspar sighed. "This lady seems to be getting paid more to sound like a doped up airhead. Her voice is grating," he complained exasperatedly. "I understand what John is hoping from this all but I was never an audial learner. I preferred writing things down repeatedly and reading off flashcards."

"Same," Justice chuckled. "Why don't I draw some cards and you can see if you feel anything from them yet."

"I haven't finished the entire supernatural set and I properly don't remember them all yet," Jaspar warned, sitting up slowly and rubbing his palms on the wooden surface. "The lady hasn't explained how to read the cards either," he said darkly. He did understand why John thought it would be a good idea for Jaspar to do tarot cards. Breaking through the veil for money would likely anger the gods of fate and luck but using other methods which were less abrasive and gave more room for error would be forgiven. If reading the cards worked, Jaspar might be able to do more readings in a night as well. If it worked.

"I do a little," Justice admitted, sounding slightly embarrassed by this admission. "My aunt, she loved tarot cards. She loved all that kind of thing. Mum couldn't stand most of it but she had a healthy respect for the cards too. I think a basic three card spread would be ok for now. I scuffle the desk, you think of me and draw three cards. One for the past, the present and future. So you draw them and put them on the table then we flip them."

"Ok?" Jaspar said hesitantly. He listened as Justice shuffled some cards he apparently had. Justice passed him the cards.

As Justice held the cards, a strange sensation washed over me. His watch felt heavy again and strangely warm. The hairs on the back of his neck started to stand on end and a cold chill went down his back. It wasn't like a vision. He didn't feel like he was being pulled into something. If anything he felt like static electricity was running through his fingers as touched the top card. Frowning, Jaspar slowly placed three cards on the wooden surface.

"First, the past," Justice commented softly, his hand guiding Jaspar's to the card. Justice's hands were smooth and warm as they guided Jaspar's hand to the correct card. Jaspar slowly flipped the card. "It's the eight of torches, inverted."

"A search? Possibly a change in direction or forgiveness," Jaspar frowned, trying to remember just what the card meant. The back of his neck was started to itch. "It could be referring to when Elison hunted you down or when John bought you from the middle house. I'm getting more of a feeling that it is to do with that then the other meanings. Unless you were searching for a new life when you were captived."

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