Chapter 5, First Failed Date

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I can see the way Min Yoongi looks at me, embarrassed from forgetting that I've been crying, my swollen eyes twitch. I look down to his flowers that are being pushed my way, my lips part, my mind scattered. I'm confused and surprised of him bringing me a gift of such beauty as I say, "For me?"

He nods, awkwardly shifting from one shoe with the other.
I see him in his attire,
his disguise.

I slowly take the flowers from him, my other hand holding the dress up to my chest as I awkwardly thank him. "You didn't have to," I try to say, wiping my cheeks quickly and forcing a smile to my face.

Yoongi swallows hard. I can see how he moves from his position outside again. I hesitate to open the door for him, stepping to the side so he wouldn't shyly see my undid back. Flowers now in my possession, I see how he cooly walks in, glancing and staring around with his glasses now off. His mask leaves his face once I have the door successfully close behind him.

I squirm, cute and flushing when hearing him awkwardly clear his throat, apologize immediately and turn fast around from where he was previously gawking at. Min Yoongi caught a glimpse of my naked back when I closed the door. "It's okay, let me just change, I-"

"Change?" he asks, eyes squinting as he doesn't look to me again. I can see a redness to his cheeks acting and that only makes me wish to blush.

"Y-Yes, this is meant for the wedding day." I go back to leaning at a corner, flowers hugged to my chest. "I'm not supposed to be wearing it."

"Then why are you?" he asks this gently, staring down my hallway and towards my bedroom door which is wide open. I'm flustered, his attentions on certain parts of the apartment makes me wonder how long he's been in the hallway for.

"For fitting purposes."

He nods. "Hm."

"I'll be right out." I'm about to move past him and skip for a run down the hallway, but he speaks to me again just as I cross paths with him.

"Isn't it bad for me to see you in the dress?" Yoongi's neck jolts again, he's gulping as he shoots, "I-I just figured that I've seen that in a lot of movies, I uh, don't really follow..." he stops himself, lips puckered.

His breath hits my face and I shiver, wobbling back and hitting the middle of my back to the kitchen counter that protrudes. I wince. "N-No, I don't think it applies to what we're doing. We aren't having a ceremony, we're just signing a piece of paper so it's easier for you." I'm shy, heated as I barely look up at him and start to walk.

I don't notice Yoongi struggle in deep thoughts with that. His hand comes out to help me, to see if I'm hurt, but I don't notice that either. I'm too busy running with my bare feet back into my bedroom I shut behind me, breathless and terrified.

All I can hear as I shut the door is an awkward, "Okay, I guess I'll just make myself at home then."

Breath out of control, chest heaving, my dead heart flutters from nervousness of this sudden situation. Here I was crying and aching for Icarus in one moment, then the next, Yoongi is at my door. A fiancee I never wanted is in front of me and in the very house my love just left from. I don't know how to switch from both men, I don't know how to carry myself in my room - all I do is breath, relax, and try not staring at the bed where so much already happened.

My feet delicately move towards my closet. As I move out of the white dress, I lay it down on the dresser top, not wanting to see most of it in a while. In nothing but my underwear, I move to the clothing I have and have my eyes soften when seeing some of his sweaters still under my shirts. Even with most of his items gone from the house, there will always be something around to remind me of him - remind me of his sweetness: and today, the reminder is of all the times I would get cold, and he's give me his sweater's off his back.

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