♥The Adams Family Christmas Special♥

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AN: Hey guys, long time no see! Yes this story is still very much finished, BUT it is Christmas and I love you guys and this story so I decided to give just one more round and add a little Christmas cheer. Even though, yes, there is already a chapter about Christmas but who cares right? 

So what do you say? Ready to hear about Samantha Adams Christmas disaster? Well then let's go!

(PS: I am very sorry if the style of writing is very different, considering I was very young when I wrote the first and have changed a lot since then)

♥December 23rd♥

"Twas not the night before Christmas and all through the house chaos and havoc tormented all of the mouse-"

"The word is mice, not mouse. Honestly Sam, are you sure you when to a real college?" Connor pesters from across the room. I swear if his wife and kids weren't in the room that boy would have a very lovely red mark on his face by now.

"Okay fine Connor, what do you want me to read? I don't have any Christmas stories and obviously you don't like the ones I make up so come on! Let's hear your ideas!" I huff and throw myself back into the couch from my upright position. I feel Danny, my husband, move one of his hand to caress my own in hopes of calming me down.

It's 2 days away from Christmas and we all decide to stay at a little cabin in the mountains to give the kids and Walt a snowy Christmas. And when I say we all, I mean ALL of us. The whole Adams extended family. We have Blake, his wife (Amelia), and his now 4 year old son Matthew. Then there's the twins, they still have not fully settled down and at this moment I can't help but be thankful for it. Of course there's Connor, the complaining little..., and his amazingly sweet wife Callie, and his 2 beautiful angelic daughters, Ava and Isabella. Then last but nowhere near least, Walt in all his childish glory with his very much pregnant wife, Nancy.

Also when I said we choose a little cabin in the mountains. I meant the little part. Looking at the pictures online, the house seemed waaaaay bigger and have more rooms. In reality, there's 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom. Yes folks you heard me quite correctly, 1 bathroom for too many frigging people to count. We have been here for about a week now and are all trying our best not to kill someone. We all used to live with one another but we all had our own rooms and didn't have children who needed constant entertainment. Honestly at this point Walt has become our designated clown/ idiot to call upon to either fake falling over or chase them around the house. 

"Sam, can you come here for a second? I think Matt ate a chicken bone..." I hear Walt call from the kitchen.

"WHAT?!" I scream bolting up from the couch, almost tripping over the coffee table in my haste. Blake and Amelia needed a break so they left to go to the only diner in the tiny town we are next to, and left us in charge of his kid. The twins are doing god know what outside and the sleep deprived, crazed part of me almost hopes that they got ran over by reindeer and won't come back. Then Dan and I could get the couch instead of the floor for once. Anyways though, Walt was then left in charge of Matt. Apparently a big mistake.

I snap myself out it and rush into the kitchen to see Walt holding Matt at arms length away from himself and staring at him like he's a bomb about to go off. And this man is going to be a father in 2 months?

"Walt, he's kid not a disease" I take Matt into my own arms and look at him closely "Walt what exactly makes you think he swallowed a chicken bone? He wasn't even eating chicken" I say pointing the plate of carrots and mac n cheese that Matt had been eating.

"Yeah but I heard him cough and panicked. I mean seriously, kids are unpredictable! What if I had turned my back and he got into the leftover chicken in the fridge? He could have died!" Walt yells with wide, crazed eyes. 

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