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I fell asleep on the way home when I was finally allowed to leave the mall, a place I had never been before and never wished to go again. It was noisy, over-crowded, expensive and there was just far too much going on all at the same time. I hated it, but I got the impression that it was something that women are meant to love and go on a weekend-ly basis, but I hoped I'd never go back. I'd avoid it as much as I could. 

I felt myself being jostled as Tomas bundled me up into his arms and carried me into the house. I snuggled myself into Tomas' chest and opened my eyes a crack. I looked to see Tomas was carrying me into the house and up to his bedroom...our bedroom. I felt the soft, warm sheets as I was placed gently on the bed and I yawned as I fully opened my eyes to see Tomas staring down at me, a soft smile placed on his handsome face and it made me smile back. 

"Hello beautiful." He said softly to me. It made me blush and smile. I had never been called such nice things and never expected to be called such. I did expect a few nice words from my buyer once I had given his children, but never to be called such things that I'd hear from mated people. It just...it wasn't in my future, but now...maybe, possibly, it is. I don't know how one is supposed to go from expecting tolerance and sex to love and equality. It will take a long time to unravel a life time of thinking into a new way, but staring up at Tomas, I knew that I might be able to. 

"Hi, what time is it?" I asked softly and Tomas stood up, pulling out of his coat pocket a watch and handed it to me. It was a small, blue strapped watch with gold detailing and the face of the watch had a wolf behind it. Tomas helped tighten it on to my left wrist and I stared at it as I sat up. It was beautiful thing, simple and elegant and nothing I had ever had before. I had been taught how to tell time due to the need to understand the timings of my chores.  "Thank you, it's beautiful." 

"You're welcome." Tomas said as I read the time, 6pm. "Now, whilst your clothes are being put away in the walk-in closet, shall we go down and have breakfast with some of the others that live here?" I was nervous about meeting more people, especially after my fight with that retched Ashleigh, I don't think I made the greatest of first impressions.

"What if they don't like me? Because of the...the argument I had with her." I said quietly. 

"Oh don't worry about all that, a lot of people here don't like Ashleigh and won't hold it against you." Tomas said to me with a small smile. 

I looked around the room and stared at all the different pieces of furniture in here; the draws, the desk, the chairs, the table and other pieces and something Ashleigh had said to me came back into my head. That they had had sex on every piece of furniture in here. I looked down at the bed and I felt nauseous again. 

"What? What is it?" Tomas asked me as he looked at the disgusted look on my face. 

"It's something she said to me."

"Who? Ashleigh?"

"Yes, she said that you and she had...had been intimate on every piece of furniture in this room. Is that true?" I asked as I looked up into Tomas' eyes. He looked at me a little shocked and stood up straight. He looked around the room and ran his fingers through his hair before looking at me. I got up off the bed, disgusted at being on it and shivered in disgust. "Is it true?" I asked again, my voice quiet, but laced in anger. 

"Not every piece..." He said slowly and anger burst in me. He looked at the bed, the desk, a few chairs and then back at me. I felt red hot anger bubble into me and if I could breathe fire, I would have. I was hurt, angry and disgusted. How could he lay me on the same bed where he had been with that infection riddled skank? How could he want to be intimate with me on the same furniture that he had bedded her? I feel revolted. 

"And you never thought to change the furniture?" I asked, anger and hurt laced in every word. 

"I never thought I'd share my room with..." He said and then stopped short, looking at me and I knew what he was about to say. He was about to say 'with a breeder' and that's what I was, what I was meant to be, but now I am not and so where does that leave me? Where do I stand now?

"With a breeder." I finished for him and hurt broke my heart, tears were falling fresh and fast in my eyes. Tomas looked at me, sadness and guilt in his eyes. "Well, if you'll excuse me." I said as I walked towards the door and Tomas grabbed on to my arm, pulling me around to face him. 

"Where are you going?"

"For a walk, I just...I have to get out of this room...your room." I said, my eyes cast towards the ground and tears spilling to the floor. 

"Kate, I'm sorry, I didn't mean anything. It's just...everything has changed so much and so fast, it's taken me some time to get used to it all." Tomas said as he rubbed circles in to my arm using his thumb. "I'll get all new furniture and we can stay in a guest room until then." Tomas said and I looked around the place. 

"I'm not a breeder." I whispered, more to myself than anyone else. 

"No, you're not, you're a Luna, my Luna and you're free."

"I want these gone...the furniture...it disgusts me." I admitted. 

"I'm sorry and I will, it'll all be gone and we can change the whole room. I'll get right on it. All the furniture, the colours, carpets, all of it and you can help me make furniture choices." Tomas said to me and I looked up at him, tear tracks on my face. 

"Thank you, I would like to get out of here now." 

"Okay, let's get some food and I'll have clothes moved to a spare room." Tomas said and I nodded lightly. "I'm sorry about what I said. This is our room now and I want you to feel comfortable here." 

"I just...she disgusts me and what she said, it angered me." 

"I know and I can't do anything about my past, but she's in my past and she won't be anywhere near me ever again, I promise." Tomas said with honesty in his voice. 

"I know, but your past is still living here and close to you."

"No, she lives with her parents a few miles from the main house." 

"Fine, but I don't want her around, at least for a little while, I don't want to 'wolf-out' again." Tomas chuckled at my words and kissed my forehead. He took my hand and led me out of this room. We walked down to the dining room where plates full of food were already laid out, ready for dinner and people were already getting ready to sit down. It was now or never to learn where I fit in to this pack and whether or not I'd be accepted by it. 

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