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Living with Tomas was amazing. It was everything I had ever wanted and everything I had ever dreamed about. The sex was mind blowing, the time we spent together was amazing and I enjoyed just being in his company. He listened to me and he made me laugh. I couldn't have asked for a better life especially when I thought that I would just be used as a breeder and live my life pregnant. 

"You okay, baby?" Tomas asked me as he looked down at me. I was laying with my head on his lap and was just staring up at him. 

"Yeah, just loving life." Tomas smiled down at me and leaned down to give me a quick peck. 

"I love life too." Tomas said to me and I smiled at him, but then I heard the gravel of the driveway crunch beneath tyres. I looked up at Tomas and frowned a little. The car screeched to a halt and 2 doors being opened up before being slammed shut. Whoever was here was not happy. 

"Expecting anyone?" I asked. 

"I don't think so." Tomas replied as I sat up and he got up to go to the front door. I turned to look towards the door and my jaw dropped. My heart just stopped and my fell into my stomach. It was my parents. 

"You Alpha Tomas?" My father grunted at Tomas in way of greeting. 

"Yes, and you are?" 

"Her father." My father sneered as he pointed at me. Tomas turned to me and then back to my father. "Can we come in and discuss this?" My father asked as he handed Tomas a piece of paper. He stormed in past Tomas, my mother following in his wake in a subdued manner. Her eyes were downcast and she looked worried. 

Tomas came quickly over to me and sat down next to be before my father could get to me. So instead he sat in the arm chair across from the sofa. My mother stood behind the sofa and a little to the right, her hands clasped firmly together and her face downcast. She wouldn't even look me in the eye. 

Tomas handed me the letter and it was written to my father from Ashleigh! She had exposed me to him and made to out that he could use me if he wished to. Was that why he was here? To take my back? To use me? Sell me again? What?! 

My heart rate was through the roof and I was sweating so much that I was worried I'd look like I'd been swimming. My father was staring at me, looking at me up and down with a slight look of disgust. I was in boot cut jeans and a blue blouse, nothing he was used to seeing me in. He was used to seeing me in clothes that my mother was wearing. She was in an almost floor length dark grey dress with buttons up to her neck and her sleeves were just past her wrists. Her hair was brushed back into a long ponytail, we weren't allowed to cut our hair and she was wearing plain, flat shoes. 

"So, is it true?" My father asked Tomas, not even looking at me. 

"Yes, your daughter is a shifter." 

" I see." 

"She is also my mate." 

"She...what?" This took my father by surprise. He actually looked at me and I nodded at him. "I see, well I admit that I had come here to take Kate home as I don't believe she should have been sold. I believed she should have waited for her mate, but it seemed she was sold to her mate."

"Really?" I squeaked out like a little mouse. 

"I'm not an animal Kate." My father sighed and then looked at my mother. "Sit down, Clara." My dad said to my mum and she timidly sat down in the other arm chair. "I am angry and hurt that you and your mother did not trust in me enough to tell me that you are a shifter wolf and not a breeder, I would have never sold you had a known."

"What would you have done?" 

"I don't know because you never expect this kind of thing to happen. I am glad that you have managed to find your mate, but I am hurt Kate. I love you, I'm your father."

"Oh dad, I never knew you cared." I whispered with tears in my eyes. 

"You're my child, why do you think of me as such a harsh and horrible man?" 

"Because mum couldn't raise the boys and we girls were sold off." 

"That's the law Kate." 

"But doesn't it also say in the law that a father can decide to not sell his daughters? That the father has the final decision? You could have kept us all together as a family. Mum could have raised the boys and we could have gone to school past the age of 11. Mum kept what I am a secret because she didn't want me to be used and she didn't want me to be taken away or forced to breed for more than one man. She wanted me to be with her for as long as I could be. That's the fear this breeder program creates. Mothers fear for their children and don't grow attached because they rarely see them again. The amount of times I've seen mum cry over the loss of one of her sons is too many to count. All mum ever wanted was to raise her children, but fate dictated that she be a breeder and not raise her sons. That's why we didn't tell you, mum wanted to keep me safe and by her side for as long as she was able. Mum loves you, but she loves her children more." I ranted and took in deep breaths to calm myself down again. 

"The boys visit your mother now." 

"After they've been raised by warriors and away from her till they were 18. 13 years of their lives mum missed out on. She can't get that back. This whole breeder program is barbaric and wrong. There are women out there being beaten and forced into sex not only with their breeder, but others too. Children are ripped from their arms and they are malnourished to the point of death. Are you saying that this is a good way of life? It is basically sex slavery and the children too are put into slavery, especially the girls who don't pass that precious breeder test." 

"And you think anything is going to change Kate? You're delusional." 

"Maybe not by myself, but I am a Luna now and I can cause a lot of influence." 

"Okay, but the only way you are going to get rid of this breeder program is to go to the Alpha High Court and you'll need to put a good argument together to give to them." 

"Oh I will."


"I'm going to tour America and meet as many breeders, children of breeders and breeder owners as I can. I'm going to get as many statistics as I can."

"You can't do that."

"Yes I can, I'm not a breeder. I can do what I want." 

"Okay, I'll help you then." My father said to me and I froze. He was actually going to help me? He wanted to come with me? 

"You're serious?"

"Yes, your mother and I will accompany you. I too have wanted to see the true extent of this program." 

"Oh, ok then." I mumbled. 

"And I'll come too." Tomas said out of the blue. 

"You can't, you're Alpha."

"Yes I am, but I am also you're mate and the Beta and my mother can run things from here." 

"So it's settled then, let's get this research exhibition on the road." My father said with a cheerful smile as he stood up and as I looked up at him, I thought, I must be crazy to agree to this. 

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