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Before you read this much awaited for chapter, let me start by saying I am sorry that it has taken me so long to update it and I hope you all enjoy this chapter. Thank you for sticking it out with me and waiting for this chapter. 


"Why aren't you trying to remember your lives before this one?" Tomas asked me two nights before the Council Meeting. I was sat at the desk in the room we were staying in with Tristen's pack. I hadn't left this room very often, mostly because I was avoiding Tyler to the best of my ability. Every time he looked at me, he had a look of smugness and knowing like he knew more about my life than I did, which he did, but I didn't need to see it in his eyes.

"Because this breeder program is more important." I said as I swirled my chair around to look at Tomas. "I just want to get this sorted first."

"I understand that, but this is important as well."

"Yes, but it is not more important. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one." I recited a well-known saying to him and he rolled his eyes at me. "Look, I'm getting a handle on these powers of mine that have manifested, and it is all under control, but I need to focus on standing in front of the council in 2 days." Tomas thought over what I had said and shrugged at me.

"Okay, but we will work on you remembering who you were." Tomas said to me before kissing my forehead and leaving me to my work.


"See you soon," Tyler said to me as he hugged me. "Selene." He whispered in my ear and as I pulled back, I rolled my eyes at him.

"You're going to look very silly if it turns out I'm not her."

"You're going to look very silly for not believing me." He crooked in his old raspy voice at me.

"We'll agree to disagree."

Tomas and I loaded up the cars, waved more goodbyes and drove away from the pack that had been even more illuminating than I ever would have believed. In my heart of hearts, I could not even have believed that this whole Goddess of the Moon reincarnation story was the real reason for me being able to shift. It just seemed a bit far fetched especially as I couldn't remember a thing.

"What are you thinking so hard about?" Tomas asked me, snapping me out of my thoughts that felt like hamsters going around and around in a wheel.

"Just about what I am going to say to the council." I lied, but to be fair, my mind did then go to the possible outcomes of this council meeting. I had the sinking feeling that the council were just not going to listen to me at all; tradition is a big thing to people and I am not just coming in and changing a small thing, but I want to come in and change a massive part of our history.

"We're here." Tomas told me, waking me from my small nap. I hadn't realised I was tired or that I had fallen asleep until I was woken up.

I opened my eyes and stared up at the big, grey building we were parked in front of with bleary eyes. I rubbed my eyes to get rid of the last traces of sleep and because I didn't want to believe that this old, dreary looking building was the place I was about to step in to, but it was.

It was the kind of building that you wished you'd never have to step foot in. It had a dark, dreary look to it, and it was very uninviting. It looked cold; the walls were a gloopy grey colour with streaks of brown. It had very few windows, but the ones it did have were tall, long Victorian style windows and they had thick, black velvet curtains in front of them, which obscured any form of light.

It was a big building, as wide as it was tall and the street it was on housed only the council building. It was eerily quiet, and the only other people around were a pair of guards outside the only door in or out.

Tomas and I exited our car and went over to the car that housed my parents. We advised them to wait here and then headed towards the stern looking guards all dressed in black.

I gripped my notebook tightly to my chest and walked next to Tomas as we walked towards the main oak doors. The guard's heads turned to focus on us and even though they had sunglasses on, I could feel their gazes roam over my body. I just tried to keep my head up high as we walked towards them.

"How can we help you?" The one on the left asked in a rough voice.

"My name is Katelyn Marie Pine and I am the Luna of the Riverrun Pack; I have a meeting with the council today." The guard on the right pulled out a piece of paper from his back pocket, unfolded it and skimmed it before giving just one curt nod to his partner.

"Go through." The left guard waved us through while the right one opened the door for us.

I was correct in my thinking that the inside of this place would just be as dark and gloomy as the outside and in fact, it was worse. Due to the small number of windows and lack of light, the place was lit up by oil lamps on the wall, which meant that it was not very bright in here.

The walls were a cold marble grey and the floor was marble, which just made the place colder and your footsteps echoed as you walked. The hallway was long, not very wide and at the end of it was an airport metal detector, another guard and an x-ray machine.

"Name?" The guard asked gruffly as we approached him.

"Katelyn Marie Pine." The guard looked at his clip board and ticked my name off the list he had in front of him.

"Please deposit all loose items and belts into this plastic container before putting it through the X-Ray machine; then please step through the metal detector to ensure that you are not carrying anything illegal."

Tomas and I did as he asked, putting our keys, notepads, wallets, loose change, etc. into the plastic container that the guard had handed us. Tomas pushed it into the X-Ray machine before allowing me to walk through the metal detector with no issues and Tomas followed behind.

"Head to the end of the hall, turn left and enter the court room at the end of that hallway." I nodded in understanding and we headed down the long corridor barely lit by oil lamps before turning left to be greeted by huge double oak doors with gold handles and engraved spirals in each of the corners.

"Looks a bit ostentatious." I mumbled to Tomas as we walked towards the door and knocked.

"Enter!" A loud, obnoxious voice called through the door and with a deep breath, I turned the handle on one of the doors and entered a grand ballroom.

This room was much brighter than the hallways as there were more oil lamps and hanging chandeliers, but still the 5 people sitting on top of the stand at the end of the room were still bathed in minimal light and all you could make out were their rough silhouettes sitting in huge backed chairs.

"Katelyn Marie Pine?" The man on the furthest right croaked and he sounded old. He was hunched a little bit and you could see a slight shake in his hand that lay rested on the arm of his chair.

"Yes, that's me." I tried to hide the fear from my voice and ensure that it did not shake with the slight fear I was feeling.

"You are here because – " The man croaked on, but was then interrupted by the man in the middle when I stood in the middle of the chandelier light.

"Selene?!" The man in the middle screeched in surprise, but also – was that happiness?

"My name is Kate – " I started to say and the man in the middle stood, his cloak billowing out around him as he stood.

"Do you really think I wouldn't recognise my own sister?" The man asked as he came into the light and I got a good look at his face.

It was like a lightening bolt had struck my memories and a flood gate opened the moment I saw this man's smug, scarred face with brown hair and dark eyes.

"Sebastian." I whispered out as I felt sparks dance between my fingertips and a wicked grin stretched across my brother's slashed face.

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