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Tomas and I stayed in the Guest Room for just over 2 months. We sorted out the new bedroom furniture as quickly as we could. We chose the bedroom furniture together and the furniture that we chose was:

A super king size Lincoln four poster french style bed with some curtains and we got a spring and memory foam mattress to go with it. We had walk in wardrobes and so we knew that we didn't need a wardrobe, but we did get a few chests of drawers. I got an ivory, french style, 8 draw one and Tomas got a dark brown oak one that had 6 draws. 

We got an end of bed bench that matched the colour and style of the bed. Tomas also got me a dressing table and chair with a mirror that matched my chest of draws. We also got a pair of matching two draw bedside tables and a full body mirror. We got a new blue carpet and a fluffy blue rug to go under the bed. We repainted the room a nice bright, light blue and some grey blinds. 

The cleaning team moved our clothes back into the room once we were ready to move back in and when it was moving day, the only person who knew it was moving day was Tomas so when he woke me up, he took my hand and led me to our room. I was still in my almost floor length black lace jersey nightdress and Tomas had allowed me to put on my black lace wrap which was made in a very flowy sort of way. He loved this outfit on me. My feet were getting cold as they touched the marbled hallway floor. 

"Where are we going before breakfast?" I yawned as he pulled me along the hall to what was our bedroom. "Why are we here?" I asked. 

"Close your eyes." I did as Tomas asked and I heard the door unlock before the handle was pushed down and the door was opened. Tomas guided me into the room and I could smell the last lingering whiffs of new paint even though the room had been aired out for a few days. It was a bit cold in here. Tomas walked me a bit further and I could feel carpeted floor on my feet. "Open your eyes." Tomas whispered into my ear and it sent a shiver down my spine. 

I fluttered my eyes open and gasped as I looked around. The room was perfect and just how I imagine it, how I planned it to look and I loved all the changes. I felt like this was now our room and not his room. I loved it. I turned on the spot and looked around more. The bed was made perfect with a new bedspread, pillows and curtains. I loved it. 

"Oh, it's just how I imagined it. I love it." I whispered out and looked up at Tomas with an ear splitting grin on my face. 

"I'm glad. I want you to feel comfortable here."

"This makes me feel comfortable." 



When Ashleigh got wind of the fact that the whole of the Alpha's bedroom had been redone and that everything she had ever touched, sat on, had sex with the Alpha on or been near in that room had been removed or repainted, well she was pissed off. 

I watched as Ashleigh stormed into the main house once day, her black hair flying and her boobs barely being contained in her very short, very tight tube top. She had come barging into Tomas' office to find him seated in his chair with me on his lap. I was in a pair of short shorts and a t-shirt with Tomas' hand up my shirt, touching my breast underneath my bra. Tomas and I stopped kissing and he looked over my shoulder at Ashleigh. I got up off of Tomas and his aching erection to sit on his lap instead. 

"Yes Ashleigh?" Tomas asked a little short with a clipped tone. 

"You re-did your entire bedroom, why? Because she wanted you to?" Ashleigh screeched, her face reddening with every word. 

"She is my Luna and she has full control over the house, the way it looks and the way it runs. She didn't like that room and so we changed it." Tomas said flatly. "And I don't see why it is any of your business." 

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