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"Wait a minute, what do you mean she's called Selene and she's actually the Moon Goddess?" Tomas asked, his voice an octave higher than usual.

"I think it's pretty clear what I said." Alpha Tyler said to Tomas. "She," (Alpha Tyler said as he pointed at me) "Is the current physical vessel of the Moon Goddess, Selene, who was, at one time, the original wolf although history pushed her over to that hack job of a brother of hers at the time." Tyler grumbled and spoke slowly to Tomas as if he was a 5 year old.

"Her name is Kate."

"And 300 years ago her name was Anna. Shall we go inside and discuss this? It's a bit humid out here." Tyler announced before turning on his heel and heading back inside.

We all looked at each other a bit confused and then headed off into the main house. The current Alpha, his son and obviously his breeder followed behind us as we went into the cosy living room just off the side of the main door. Tomas and I sat in the love seat across from the huge sofa where Tyler, his son and grandson sat. The breeder did not sit, instead she stood next to my mother who stood while my father took the armchair.

"Mary, can you get us some refreshments please?" The current Alpha requested. She nodded with a smile and then left.

"Clara, take a seat." My mother did as she was told and took a seat behind my father.

The direct descendants, up to Grandson, could live for up to 250 years, but descendants from there onwards lived our normal age ranges and that was up to 200 years old if we were lucky - a lot of wars and bad health. Knowing that his son would not live as long as him, Tyler had been open and honest about the fact that he had waited until he was 100 before having children, so his son was 100 and had been Alpha since he was 25. The current Alpha looked about 75 with his completely silver hair, dark eyes and wrinkled skin. His son was around about 40 and had brown hair, tanned skin and hazel eyes. The breeder who came back with the drinks was obviously not his mother as she was younger than him and when she went to stand behind the Alpha's son it was then obvious that she was his.

She was about 30 and was quite clearly pregnant. I heard children squealing as they ran past the living room. There was a boy about 3 and a girl about 6 running around together. Mary looked at the children and then at the current Alpha's son.

"You may tend to the children." The current Alpha's son said. She nodded at him, smiled softly at us and then left to tend to her children.

"Let me get the introductions out of the way. You obviously know of me, I'm Tyler Wench and this is my son, Tristen Wench who is the current Alpha of this, the Clearwater Pack. Next to him is my Grandson, Hanson Wench. The woman who just left the room is his breeder, Florence and their two children were just running around. Your turn."

"Um, okay, I'm Kate Pine and this is my mate, Tomas River, Alpha of the River Pack. Over in the armchair is my father, Arthur Pine who is Beta of the Willow Pack and my mother, Clara, is his breeder." I said as I pointed to each person.

"Okay now that that is out of the way, do you mind explaining to me why you think my mate is Selene?" Tomas asked and he seemed shocked even a little bit scared. Tyler just smiled at him, his wrinkles pulling as he did.

"Let me explain son," And he did. He told us about how almost 1000 years ago, Selene decided to walk the Earth in a human form with mystical powers. She had a brother, a family, but her human parents died and her brother was sick from lack of food so she did the only thing she could; she used her moon powers to make them into Werewolves, but of course back then history fudged details. Her brother had convinced her to turn a couple more for them to create a pack, but soon discord and jealousy overcame her brother because everyone turned to Selene as she created them, but it was her brother who wanted to be adored like she was and so, one night, in a fit of rage and drink, he killed her human form forcing her back to the moon. With Selene dead, the pack disbanded and Selene's brother was cursed by the moon to be a full blooded wolf forever.

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