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I let out a fierce growl and pounced at my brother. He lunged at me too and our claws ripped skin, our teeth tore at flesh and our growls reverberated around the empty ballroom.

We rolled, swiped, kicked and bit at each other. Blood spurted from every swipe, every bite and every chunk that went flying as our fighting got bloodier and bloodier.

The sound of gnashing teeth, growls, cracking bones and blood hitting marble was all that could be heard. My once brilliantly white coat was now stained with red and pink in patches from being mixed with saliva.

With another role and kick, I pushed my brother off of me and into the wall. The wall cracked as my brother's body landed against it and then he fell to the floor with a thump. He growled as he clumsily got to his feet.

He had slashes to his hind legs, chunks missing from his flanks, a piece of his ear gone and slices to his belly that were drip, drip, dripping blood on to the floor underneath him.

I didn't look much better. I could feel weakness spreading through my hind leg and a warm, sticky sensation followed by a drip, drip, dripping sound on to marble floor, which I could see was my shoulder. There was not much white left in my fur; instead it was matted and stained with my blood.

My mouth was filled with both my blood and my brother's. My teeth had chunks of flesh and fur in them and the back of my throat was horse from growling. My heart was still racing, my lungs felt like fire was ripping through them and my wounds, although knitting back together, were sore and burning.

My brother swayed uneasily on his paws, his eyes drooped ever so slightly, but he still bared his teeth and growled low in the back of his throat. He raised his heckles, arched his cracked back and I could see parts of his body knitting back together again as well.

'Why oh why did I make him almost as strong as me?' I thought to myself as more of my wounds slowly knit back together, which burned and itched from the skin knitting back together.

My brother lunged at me again and I waited until he was almost on top of me before rolling away, leaving a smear of blood in my trail. My brother slammed on to the marble floor, trying to dig his claws to stop himself from colliding into anything, but he skidded along the floor which was slick with blood and crashed into the now empty stage from which he had descended.

I struggled to my feet, the burning sensation of my wounds knitting back together was stealing even more breath from me, and faced my brother. I felt the two sides of me begin to meld more; Kaitlyn and Selene merging and mixing together like two different bodies of water rather than oil and water like I had felt they were before. Memories of my past lives were slowly knitting themselves into my memory and along with the pain of the past, also came the memories of my powers and my brother.

Parts of my previous lives were still murky like muddy water surrounded by clear sea, but slowly, as more bits fell into place, the mud dispersed and the memories became clear.

I had loved my brother, cared for him, even though he was human and I was the Moon Goddess and when our human parents died I could not bare to see him go too, but I should have seen back then what I refused to see, this man was narcissistic and power hungry. He was incapable of love or compassion for another person and when I gave him the power, he was so desperate for, he used it against me. He wanted to be feared, revered and he wanted to control others, hence the breeder program. He had been trying to not only undo thousands of years of work that I had put into place with female wolves, but also turn them into servants and push them into a life of subservience. It would take me decades to undo what he has done and for the women and children already alive without their wolves, there was nothing I could do for them, but hopefully with time and power, I would be able to return wolves to the unborn children in breeder's wombs, but it again comes down to, would their 'masters' allow me to get close enough to them to give their children their wolves back?

All of these thoughts were for another time, a time where I wasn't fighting my brother and fighting for my life because being distracted by your own mind was how you ended up dead.

My brother then did something shocking to me and he shifted back to human, his weaker side. I turned my big wolf head in a confused sort of look as I stared at my, now naked, brother. Most of his wounds were either knitted back together or barely bleeding, but he still had what looked like a painful slash on his left side, just under his ribs, which he clutched as he got to his feet.

"Selene..." He whispered out, his voice weak from pain and blood loss. I tried not to falter in my resolve of ending his reign of terror, but a twinge in my heart made me pause and Sebastian saw it. "You don't want to kill me, do you, big sister?" He asked, his voice soft and sickly sweet. "We can come to an agreement; we can rule together."

I just stared at my brother, as he came slowly towards me, still clutching his side. I stared up at his face, so humble looking and his eyes, so soft in the low light of the burning candles. Sweat beaded on his forehead and his hair was matted in his blood. His eyes screamed of the pain he was feeling and he stumbled a little as he walked towards me. He was getting lower as he was getting closer, as if he was trying to make himself seem smaller and less of a threat as he got closer to me.

"Just shift back, sister, and we can rule the wolves together." He held out his hand that wasn't clutching his hand and looked at me with pleading eyes. I could see his side was almost completely healed and the skin had started puckering up.

I peered up at him again in the dim light and let out a huff before shifting back. I was more healed than my brother because while I made him almost as strong as me, I was still a Goddess.

As I stood, my brothers eyes watched me rise and smiled, but there was something to that smile, something I did not trust. My brother came towards me, his arms outstretched and before I could move, he had engulfed me in a hug that nearly bowled me over.

"So glad to see you are still the same old sister I knew." My brother whispered in my ear as I felt his arms move behind me. "Still gullible." He whispered as he grabbed something off the table behind me and tried to bring it down behind me.

Call it instinct, call it self preservation, call it knowledge of the evil that is my brother, but I knew he was up to something and so as he tried to kill me from behind, I used my powers on my brother. I had never once used my magic on my brother maliciously. I had used it to save his life, but I made him and now I must fix my mistake.

At once my whole body lit up like a full moon and shone out so bright that my brother dropped his bladed weapon with a clang to the floor and shielded his eyes from the brightness of my light. He groaned and rubbed his eyes, trying to get his sight back because after looking at the bright light he couldn't see.

His blinked, trying to dislodge the darkness and when he seemed to get his sight back, I was in front of him and no longer shining, with the bladed weapon he had dropped earlier, which turned out to be an athame with Greek inscriptions on it. It was the only blade that would kill a God. He must have spent decades searching for this; last I saw it was buried in a mountain.

"Goodbye, baby brother." I whispered as I drove the athame into his chest, through his heart and twisted it, ensuring it was embedded deep into his chest. My brother got his sight back just long enough to see my face as he died.

Sebastian gasped, his hands finding the embedded weapon in his chest and he felt his blood seeping from the sides of his wound and the weapon. He looked at me, shock and disbelief embedded on his face. I had done something he never thought possible of me and until I saw him again, I didn't think I was capable of either.

My brother fell to the floor, his body making a rather loud thud and smacking sound as his naked form hit the cold marble floor. He touched the hilt of the blade and looked down at it, again in disbelief that it was he with the weapon killing him rather than the other way around.

"Only...took you...800 years." Sebastian gurgled at me as his mouth started to fill with his blood and he choked on it, spurting bits of it out of his mouth.

"Yes, you finally pushed me too far."

"Never...thought...you'd do it."

"Times change. Goodbye, little brother. May we not meet again." I said and with a final rye chuckle my brother's head fell back against the hard floor as he let out his final breath. Blood continued to drip and seep from his wound and out his mouth on to the floor, but my brother's chest did not rise and his eyes lay open, but cold and emotionless as they stared up at the chandelier ceiling. 

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