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I felt his hand slide up my under my shirt and cup my breast. I was still groggy from my sleep and groaned as I woke up, which just spurned Luke on more. He unhooked my bra from the back and then pinched my nipple. He was sort of hanging over me, leering. The pinch woke me up with a start and that was when I took in a deep breath, taking in Luke's scent. I growled out and Luke just chuckled.

"Oh hush kitten, you know you want this." He purred and that made me snap. I had never learnt any control over my wolf as she had been so pushed down for so many years and before I knew what was happening, I had shifted.

My wolf was pissed and all she saw was red. Luke was a little shocked for a moment and then he shifted too. He was bigger than I was and he was a dark colour, like his hair. He had bright eyes and they looked menacing. He braced his feet and growled at me, trying to get me to submit, but I beared down and growled back, warning him to go away. He stalked towards me, edging closer and closer to me hoping that I would back away, but I didn't. I growled for a third time and he just smirked at me before edging closer, so I howled. I howled loudly before I lunged.

Luke pounced on me too and I clawed at his face. He was clawing at my legs and side. I could feel him slashing into me and I bit down on his ear, ripping it off. He howled and I grabbed on to his throat. He used his claws and feet to try to kick at my chest, causing more slashes and cuts. I could feel the blood seeping down and I could hear it splashing onto the carpet. I bit down harder into his throat and pulled back, taking a chunk with me.

Tomas and Alpha Reed came rushing into the room just as the chunk of his throat spewed out of my mouth and went flying along with droplets of blood. Tomas rushed over to my while Reed subdued Luke. We were both scratched up, covered in blood and pretty badly beaten up.

Luke was forced to shift back and people came in to get him out of there. Once he was gone, I shifted back and my cuts came into full view. I had a few good slashes to my chest causing some skin to be flapping a little. Everything hurt now that the adrenaline had gone from my system. I couldn't stand on my legs and Tomas had to pick me up to take me to the pack doctor. The last thing that I remember before I passed out was the doctor sticking a needle in my vein in my arm.


After Kate's talk with the breeder owners she had rushed off to the study that adjoins our bedroom to write more things down about how breeders need to be treated. She was so passionate about this and it was beautiful to see. While she was doing this, I was down in the second parlour having a drink with Alpha Reed. We were just starting to talk about mates vs breeders when we heard a loud howl, which was obviously Kate. I growled and sprinted up the stairs to find Kate in a fight with another wolf. I took in a deep breath and found that it was Luke who she was fighting.

I rushed over to Kate and pulled her off of Luke, that she had pinned down and was ripping into him while Reed pulled Luke away from her. They were both covered in blood and Kate's white fur was more red now than white. Luke was ordered to shift back and pulled away to get fixed up. My girl had ripped into him. His throat was torn into and ripped to shreds. He had slashes everywhere and was looking very white. He was losing a lot of blood, but Kate didn't look an awful lot better when she eventually shifted back.

I got Kate to the pack doctor as quickly as I could and she passed out as soon as the IV was placed in her arm. The doctor worked as fast as he could and was transfusing Kate with so much blood. Her wolf was slowly healing her slashes and cuts, but she was still bleeding profusely.

"Isn't there anything else we can do?" I panicked. "She's losing so much blood. She's not healing fast enough!"

"She should be! Her wolf isn't very strong!"

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