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2 months on

We'd been jumping from pack to pack for months now; some of them had turned us away due to what Ashleigh had said, despite what I explained to them, but about 80% of them were happy to hear from me and get to know me. Most of them let me talk to their breeders and I heard a lot of the same that I had heard back in Alpha Reed's pack. Word had spread about me by the time I got to the packs and most people were fascinated by me. Seeing more breeders made me really iron out what I wanted to put before the council.

1) Breeders are treated as the lowest of the low, yet we require them for the survival of our species. We should be treating them with a bit more reverence and respect and more laws should be handed down by the council, not by Alpha discretion. Below are some laws I wish to implement:

                       a) Breeders should be more protected compared with what they currently have, which is nothing

2) These protection laws would include:

                        b) Any molestation or rapes of breeders should be treated more harshly not just at Alpha discretion. They should spend time in jail, the harsher the crime the harsher the time. They should lose any sort of job that they have or give them the lowest form of their current job, half of their savings/money (which will go to the breeder) and if any children are produced from this crime, then child support payments need to be done until the child is either 5 (boys) or 16 (girls).

                       c) If there are any repeat offenders, they will be shunned from the pack and sterilised

                      D) Children born from these crimes should be protected by the Alpha and be under the Alpha's protection

3) Breeders will not go out alone - well vetted low warriors will escort two or more breeders from A to B

4) Breeders will be supported in flats that are fit for human habitation if they are unable to become breeders

5) Owners are not able to pass breeders from one person to another.

6) Owners are not allowed to abandon their breeders without suitable housing and career to sustain themselves.

7) f a mate is found while a breeder is owned and children are shared between the breeder and the owner are allowed to see and spend time with their parent regardless of what the mate said.

                          A) The children can then decide about visitation once they reach 13

                         B) And who they want to live with

8) All breeders need to go to a trained psychologist once a month and a sexual health doctor.

                         A) In the psychologist meeting they need to tell the therapist if there are any beating, abuse or issues at home

9) If the breeders is being abused then they will be taken out of the owners home and placed in protective housing; their children as well.

                A) The Owner will be placed in jail for the amount of time that they have been abusing their breeder

              B) They will have to pay child support and a victim support charge

              C) They will have to attend mandatory anger management counselling

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