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"You just will not stay gone, will you?" He sneered at me as he ripped off his cloak to reveal a black suit underneath.

"Kate, what's going on?" Tomas asked from next to me.

"I remember my pasts and this," (I said as I pointed towards my brother at the end of the ballroom). "Is my brother, Sebastian and Tyler is right, my name really is Selene."

"You must be the soul mate." Sebastian said as he pointed towards Tomas.

"Leave him be, Sebastian; this is between you and me." Sebastian chuckled at me.

"It might have started that way in the beginning, but once you made him," (My brother said pointing to Tomas). "I decided to kill him first to make you suffer more." The more Sebastian spoke and the more he was in my presence, the more my mind pieced itself back together and I started remembering more and more of my past lives.

"But you were turned into a full-blooded wolf as punishment for killing me." Sebastian laughed and it reverberated around the ballroom, bouncing off the walls and dancing around us. He slowly descended the couple of steps that led up to the stage.

"Yes, that was very cumbersome to deal with and I did spend a couple of decades as a wolf, sleeping in caves, eating dead animals and hiding out in the woods. It was cold." He pouted at the end. "But then I saved the life of a witch who was drowning in the river and she could see what I truly was. She spent a few years with me learning how to get me back to my true self and when she finally did it, I was forever grateful to her.

"Now, once I was back to my normal self, I made sure that history knew my version of events and erased you completely, but then you just had to come back."

"How did you know I came back?"

"Rumours circulated of a pure white wolf and her mate. You are the only pure white wolf in the world; you made it that way because of your moon Goddess status." Sebastian said as he stood in another chandelier light. "Once I found you, I saw that you did not seem to care that I had erased you from the history books because you had fallen in love like a sap. You had a mate, something you never gave me and so I decided to take him away from you."

"And I killed myself because I couldn't live without my mate."

"Yes, it was such a sweet sight to watch." Sebastian said with an evil grin on his face as he reminisced.

"And let me guess, you killed me and my mate again when I resurfaced 300 years ago."

"Oh yes, now the reason for that is actually more than just revenge on you and silly sibling rivalry." Sebastian said, waving his hand as if the previous killings were mere roughhousing between siblings. "While you were dead, I formed this council" (Sebastian said as he swept his arm out to point to the 4 remaining members of the council). "And started to take over the Werewolf community, experimenting on the females to turn them into just breeders, taking away their wolves and selling them as baby factories. Obviously, there were some who slipped through the cracks and became shifters, but none of them shifted into a white wolf and so I let them live.

"Then you came back, but you kept moving around." Sebastian said angrily, scrunching up his fists. "By the time I found you, you were pregnant and I couldn't have that; you see, you had forgotten all about me and you having a child would cause a serious imbalance of good and evil – yada yada, but mostly the fact that you had finally gotten what you always wanted. I couldn't have that."

"You're sick and demented." I shook my head at him. I could not believe that this was my brother and the person who had killed me multiple times even though I had saved his life. "I saved your life all those years ago and this is how you repay me?"

"Saved me?! You cursed me to live forever and then when I asked you to make us a family, a pack, they came to you and shunned me. I was unwanted and you did not even try to save our parents. You were selfish, you wanted me around and then threw me to the side when everyone started worshipping you."

"I did not. You begged me to save you!" I rolled my eyes at my brother. "And then you got jealous that our pack turned to me because your advice was lousy and you wanted it to be more a dictatorship rather than a family, which is what I wanted."

"I was trying to keep us alive."

"You were not!"

"So, you've just been sitting here waiting around for Kate to turn up?" Tomas interrupted before we could get into a sibling 'did not' 'did too' argument.

"Well I knew if I she ever did come back again she couldn't resist trying to fix the breeder system I created and so I made it so big that it was everywhere, thus she would come to me and try to fix it, which she has."

"You changed hundreds of years' worth of DNA, taking away millions of women's chances to shift, just so you could lure me here, for what?"

"Well, while I was again waiting hundreds of years for you, I got in contact with the descendent of the witch who saved me from my wolf curse. You see, after my third attempt at killing you I came to realise that just killing your body was going to get rid of you, you would just come back. So, I looked at ways of killing you forever and I have found just the way." Sebastian moved quicker than a normal wolf and I just saw him lunge for me, which allowed me to fall to the floor to avoid him. I kicked his legs out from underneath him and scurried away backwards before standing up. I grabbed Tomas' hand and pushed him towards the door.

"Go, I can take my brother."

"But he has killed you three times already." Tomas said, grasping my hand tightly in his. "I won't let you do this alone."

"The only reason he has been able to do that is because I never fought back, or he was sneaky. Now he is taking me on 1 on 1 and I have you to fight for; please, get somewhere safe." I pushed him towards the door and just as I pushed him out of the door, my brother grabbed me by the shoulder and threw me across the room. I landed on top of the oak chairs on top of the stage; the other committee leaders had slinked off earlier and the chairs cracked when I landed. I felt my back crack just like the chairs and I yelled out in pain.

"Kate!" Tomas yelled.

"Go!" I screamed both in pain and desperation. I rolled off the broken chairs and fell to the floor of the stage. I lifted my head up and watched as Sebastian made his way towards Tomas holding a knife. "NO!" I screamed out and a bolt of blinding light shot out of my open hand towards my brother. The bolt of light landed on the floor and blew him away from Tomas, who was also blown out the door.

My brother got up, dusting off his trousers as he got up and he wiped the spittle of blood at the side of his mouth. He chuckled and I slowly got up, staggering to my feet as I did.

"Never thought you'd do that." He muttered with a chuckle.

"You've pushed me too far." I groaned as I cracked my back into place.

"Finally grew a back-bone huh?"

My brother took a running leap at me and shifted into his big brown wolf mid-air. I put my hands up defensively and a burst of light shielded me from my brother's huge form. I felt his weight land on my shield, but then I pushed him away and he flew in an arch back on to the ballroom floor.

My brother's paws clicked against the marble floor as he got back on to his feet and growled at me, baring his brilliant white fangs and drooling a little on the marble floor. My brother got down into a fighting stance and his claws scratched at the ballroom floor, leaving marks.

I shifted too and my white fur coat shone in the low lighting and my heckles rose as I bared my feet, letting out a ferocious growl that reverberated off the walls and made it sound like there was more than one of me.

I was about to end centuries of sibling rivalry and I should have done is half a millennia ago – kill my brother. 

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