Chapter 1

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I inhale through my nose, finally getting a whiff of fresh air. This cab has a weird smell, so finally being able to step out of it is somewhat relieving. I make my way towards the back of the cab and take my stuff out of the trunk. I also nod at the man who tried to help me with my luggage, but I am kinda protective over my luggage, especially since one of suitcases carries my music equipment. Which ofcourse I had to bring, it's my passion, has been for years.

"Welcome to Barden University, what dorm?" A perky woman asks me, making me raise an eyebrow.

I think I'll find it myself, thanks." I say, a bit ruder than I expected but I shrug it off.

"Here's your BU rape whistle. Don't blow unless it actually happens." I take the whistle from her hands and put in the front pocket of my jeans.

I walk past a few guys, they're rating girls by their looks. I simply roll my eyes at their childish behavior, stepping into the building that is supposed to have my dorm. When I finally arrive at the right dorm number, I open the door to my shared room and bring my stuff inside.

"Hello?" I call out as I look around the room.

A red-haired girl turns around, a bright smile dancing on her lips.

"Hey, I'm Chloe. What's your name?" She asks excitedly, the smile she's giving me is somewhat infectious as one makes it way on my face now as well.

"Hey Chloe, I'm Brooklyn." I say, matching her tone.

"Oh, do you need help unpacking?" She asks as she looks down at the luggage I'm carrying.

"No, thank you. One of the cases is my clothes, the other is music equipment. I'd rather sort that stuff out myself." I reply.

Then I go ahead and open the case with my music equipment. It reveals my laptop, launchpad, my mixing panel, separate keyboard and separate mouse. That alongside a bunch of cable, each cable neatly stored so that they don't get tangled. Music has been an obsession/hobby/job for me, but my mom told me that I had to at least try to get a degree. 'You can never be too careful', she had said. She was aware of how creative I could be when it came to writing stories and song, so she sent me to litterature. I'm not really happy with that, but I rolled with the decision anyways.

To give you somewhat a description of what I look like, I have brown hair that is slightly wavy, and ocean blue eyes. If you look close enough, you could see that I have faint freckles on my nose.

"Wow, you have a lot of music equipment." She says, peering over my shoulder to take a look inside my suitcase.

I nod that at, starting by unpacking my laptop. Then piece by piece I start assembling my set-up, connecting the cables with my laptop.

"Yeah, I love making remixes." I explain to her, standing up from plugging a power chord into the wall socket.

"I'm sorry if I'm being straight forward by asking this question, but do you sing by any chance?" She asks, slight panic settles in my chest as my mind goes to a memory of the past.

My last performance wasn't exactly a banger, so much that I don't wanna sing in public anymore. Not after what happened, not after what they did to me. Tears were making my eyesight blurry but I look away, pretending to check if all of my cables are plugged in the right way.

"No, I don't." I reply softly, but seeing as she is in close proximity, she still understands the quiet words.

"Is it because you think that you can't sing, or..." I shake my head before she can fully complete that sentence.

"Oh okay, I'm sorry if I brought up something emotional." Once again, I shake my head at her.

"It's okay." I manage to say before I'm done installing my whole set-up.

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