Chapter 16

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I slip beneath the covers next to Chloe. I could feel her turn around and snuggle into me. My arms instinctively pull her close. We fall asleep like that.

-next day-

I wake up with the feeling of a body shifting in my arms. My eyes slowly open, only to see a sleeping Chloe in my arms.

Since I don't want to wake her up, I just stay like this, observing every little detail of her beautiful face. I feel her shift again.

"Good morning." I say as I see her beautiful blue eyes open.

"Would you be kind and give me an aspirin please? My head is killing me right now." She asks, probably unaware that we are in the same bed.

I get out of the bed and grab the bottle of aspirins for her and a small bottle of water, opening it up and giving it to her. I make her sit straight, supporting her cause she's still a little drowsy.

Her back is pressed up against my shoulder while I'm sitting up on her bed to keep her up.  I hand her the aspirin and then the water, which she both takes from me.

"Sorry to be a burden to you. You probably have better things to do than to take care of me." She says, closing the water bottle and handing it to me again.

"Chloe, you're more important than whatever I have to do." I say, rubbing my hand up and down her arm while I still let her sit up against my shoulder.  A sob wrecks through her body.

"I dumped Tom, he used me for the sex and I can't believe he only was with me for my beauty." She says, starting to cry. I turn her around slightly so she can cry on my shoulder.

"He's a fool to only see the beauty on your outside. You're both beautiful on the inside and outside. I caress her back with my arm, trying to soothen her.

"He was being a dick to me." She says through sobs.

"Nah, he's not real enough for that." I say, trying to let her smile and forget about that asshole.

He doesn't deserve Chloe if he treats her like shit.

"Thanks, Brooklyn." She says, bringing a slight smile onto her face.

There's no practice today since I told everybody I was looking for choreography, but that it could wait another day.

I know some moves already and even if I didn't, I would still be right soothening Chloe.

"I thought you were going to have to go through the choreography today so we can start practicing it tomorrow." Chloe says, perking her head up slowly. I gently put her head back down and sush her.

"I've got a few idea's already, I just need to see if they work out. If I wanna try my idea's out, I'mm gonna need all the Bellas to see if it would work or not. As for now, I'm staying with you the whole day if you want me to." I say with a smile on my face.

I see her features lighting up a bit as a smile forms on her face. It makes me smile even wider right now, knowing I brightened up her day a little. I let my head drop onto hers carefully with my smile still plastered on my face.

"What happened yesterday? I only remember having too many drinks but not the coming home and stuff." She asks.

"Well, you called me at 2am, asking me for help. I immediately slippped on my jacket and shoved everything into my pockets as I came running to you because you had absolutely no idea where you were. Turns out you had gone to the bar in front of the pasta place we went to. You were slurring around the streets." A gasp left her lips, followed with 'Omg, I'm so stupid'.

"Shut it, you're not stupid Chlo. Anyways, I had reached you in six minutes." I get interrupted again.

"Isn't that a fifteen minute walk?" She asks, making me chuckle slightly.

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