Chapter 24

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(Photo is concept of how Brooklyn should look. while werewolf. This is officially a Teen Wolf character named Hayden)

I am ready to show what monster I turn into at full moon. I hesitate a little but Beca nods at me as I pass Chloe the phone.

"This is a joke, right?" She asks, looking at me.

Shaking my head, I close my eyes which I can control. When I open my eyes, they are the same golden yellow like on the picture and Chloe slaps a hand over her mouth.

"H-how?" Asks Chloe, I look down at the ground.

"I-I don't know babe, it just happened. I- felt the urge to kill a man but I stopped it. I am so scared with what I might do Chloe. What if I hurt you? Or someone from the Bellas?" Beca has already left the room to leave us some privacy.

"Relax baby, I know you will not hurt me. Brook, you're perfect to me with or without these new feautures." My heart melts hearing those words and a tear unwillingly excapes my eye.

"Gosh, I love you so much Chlo." I get up from my seat and place a kiss on her lips, she smiles.

"I love you too Brooklyn Johnson. Nothing and nobody is gonna change that." She says and I place another kiss on her lips. I pull away when i hear a doctor come in. 

"Okay, she can go home after spending the night here. Visitors aren't allowed anymore though." The doctor says and I walk towards him.

"Can you make an exception please? I'm her girlfriend." I say and I think I unwillingly gave off a dangerous vibe as he nods. Chloe smiles from behind me and his lock back on mine.

"Just, stay in the room please. No going out if it. So might wanna get some water and snacks right now." I nod and return in eight minutes.  Chloe is patiently waiting with a smile resting on her face.

"You're so amazing." She says and I smile widely. I go towards her and place a kiss on her lips.

"Only for you though." I say and she smiles. After placing another kiss on her lips I sit down and open a can of soda, drinking almost the whole can.

I haven't drank a single thing since I came in here.

"Wow, you're thirsty." She says and I look at her.

"Well, I wouldn't drink anything until I saw you were okay." She smiles a little.

"But why?" She asks and I keep smiling at her.

"Your health is the most important thing to me. I will do anything in my power to help you first before helping myself. Once, both of us got so drunk. We couldn't stand very well. So we held onto each other. In a weird way, we leaned against the wall to catch a breath. You were about to fall but I caught you, although I almost lost balance myself. If I would've fallen, hell I wouldn't care if I were bruised I would check you first. Or at least I would've taken the impact." Tears were streaming down her eyes now but a smile was still on her face.

Touched at the words that had formed from my lips.

"You're so sweet. You should be surprised I haven't melted yet." I chuckle a little and put a gentle kiss on her lips.

The clock reads 2 O'clock so that means that we have seven hours till they come to the room. Bad thought errupt my brain and my smile turns into a smirk, making Chloe look at me in confusement.

"What are you-" I cut her off, kissing her passionately.

-Beware, here starts sexual content. If you don't wanna read it, please skip it-

Biting her lip, I drag out a short moan, she grabs onto my hips as i swing my leg over her body into a grinding position. My hands are cupping her face, my tongue slowly gliding over her lips.

As she grants me acces, our fight for dominance begins. Her hands go down a little and it only makes me smirk even more. My right hand goes to reach under the hospital gown she's wearing. My kisses trail down her neck towards her soft spot.

When I'm there, I suck on it and bite it, making her moan slightly. I smirk  and place some more kisses on her neck, before kissing her on the lips again. I slip my tongue in and push her panties aside with my fingers, trailing along her wet folds.

She bucks her hips forward to meet my fingers and I thrust them in  roughly, making her moan against my lips. I thrust my fingers in and out of her at a fast and rough tempo, hitting her G-spot every single time.

Holding my arm, she scratches and squeezes a little. I lowkey am smirking and thrust a third finger along with it, making her moan in my mouth as her grip on my arm tightens.

Her walls begin to tighten around my fingers and I thrust my fingers one last time in her before she loudly moans in my mouth, squeezing my arm a little tighter as she cums all over my fingers.

I pull my hand away slowly and give her one more small kiss. I lick the juices of my fingers in a seductive way and she bites her lip. I get off her but still remain on the bed by her side.

"You can't stop amazing me baby." I smile and give her a peck.

"So can't you babe, you taste good."

-From here, the sexual content is done-

Three short knocks could be heard on the door and I raise an eyebrow.

"Yes?" I answer and the doctor from before came in.

"We checked the system. If you would like it, you could go home right now. You seem totally fine." Chloe nods and I have to supress a smirk.

"Alright, thanks for informing us doc." I say and the doctor nods before going away.

"What do you say we get out of here and have another round, as many rounds as you want?" I ask her with a smirk and she nods.

I help her in her clothes, giving her my sweater so she won't catch a cold or something. So we go home immeidately as I now push the door open, kissing Chloe passionately. And as the night goes on, we both have another three rounds.

-Next day-

When I wake up, I feel a pair of arms around me as I turn around. Chloe is sleeping peacefully, my smile never leaves my face. I'm so happy that we're together. I see her flutter her eyes open as I peck her forehead.

"Morning babe." I say and she smiles.

"Morning." I peck her lips now and snuggle into her.

"I'm so happy I get to wake up next to you." I murmur and she smiles, also snuggling into me.

We lay like that for a few minutes, enjoying the slience when I suddenly shift around in the bed, sighing softly.

"Something wrong baby?" Asks Chloe and I sit up, still naked from last night and I lean against the headboard of the bed. Chloe follows in my actions as I look her in the eyes.

"I wanna go search for my dad.

Hey, the story ends here guys and girls. I'm happy you red this story and I hope you had pleasure in reading it. A second book is following, I'm working on it. Thank you for the support and I'll see you guys with my next book.

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