Chapter 14

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We now slightly smile, as we look at the view. We've been here for quite long, the sun slowly settling. I still have hope for the Bellas.

Normally we lost the semi-finals, but the Footnotes had a high school student as their lead vocalist. So they should be disqualified.

"What about we go eat something?" I propose to Chloe.

"Yeah, okay." She says.

We go to a nearby pasta shop and order. We're gonna take it back to our so after I paid, we start walking. When we arrive, I make some place by carefully moving some of my stuff.

I take Chloe's chair and put it next to mine, so we can sit next to each other to eat. I ordered one with 4 different types of cheese while she ordered bolognaise.

I even let them add some extra cheese. To make it even better, I ordered a large and Chloe had ordered a medium. Yeah, I'm a big fan of cheese, y'all should know that. When I finish mine, Chloe has eaten enough, but there's not much left.

"How do you do it? It had 4 different cheese types and extra cheese. Isn't that heavy on your stomach?" She asks in disbelieve.

I wipe my mouth with my napkin and shake my head with a smile.

"I'm used to this." I explain to her.

"Well, do you want the rest of mine, cause I've had enough and this is too good to throw away." I shrug with a smile and eat it. She knits her eyebrows together.

"How do you stay so thin?" She asks. I finish what's in my mouth and giggle lightly.

"I have no idea, ginger." I say and throw the garbage away.

I grab one of the not thrown away napkins to wipe my table and then throw it away, carefully placing my stuff back the way it was before.

Slowly, I start making  beat, trying to make a new song. When I notice how frustrated I'm getting, I put my headphones on the table, turn around in my chair and get my hands in my air.

"You okay there?" Chloe asks, looking up from her phone.

"Yeah, just a little frustrated. I should sleep." I say, getting into my bed and throwing off my pants.

"Goodnight, sunshine." Chloe says, making me smile.

"Goodnight ginger."

-next morning-

I wake up early, it's Chloe's appointment today at the hospital to remove her nodes. I promised her that I would go with her for support since Aubrey lashed out on her last time.

We prepare to go to the hospital, Chloe is a little anxious. I slightly squeeze her hand, letting her know that I'm here.

"Thank you for doing this." She says with a smile plastered on her face.

"Ofcourse, Chloe." I smile back and we go to the hospital.

They take her away to remove her nodes and I wait patiently till she's back. When she is, they allow me to get into the hospital room with her.

She gets to drink very little water but everytime I find myslf looking at her. Her smile brightens the room. Sometimes she's checking her phone to see if she got any messages.

As soon as she gets a message, she acts all crazy and shows me the message.

"Omg!" I yelp as quitely as possible as I read the text.

The lead vocal from the footnotes was indeed a high school student so they have been disqualified and now the Bellas got a place in the finals the Trebles and some other groups.

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