Chapter 9

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My phone rings in my bag. I take my phone and see that it's Chloe. Since I sometimes run away in the middle of the night because of the nightmares, I have given her my number.

"Sorry Donald, I gotta take this quickly." I say, picking up the phone.

"Chloe?" I ask.

"Where are you? Are you okay? Did you get hurt? I know you went downstairs too. Where are you?" Wow, those are a lot of questions.

"Calm down, I'm okay, alright." I hear her sigh.

"Beca has been arrested." Omg, she serious?!

"Is she okay?" I ask.

"I hope so. We're all going to her dorm for when she comes back. Be here okay?" She asks, and i can't say no to her.

"Okay, I'll be there. Give me twenty minutes." I say and hang up.

"I'm sorry Donald, Beca got arrested. Chloe called me to tell me we're waiting at her appartment." I say, my hand massaging my forehead from the troubles we've got.

"How will you get there, do you have a car?" He asks.

Damn, he's right. I can't even get there on foot in twenty minutes.

"Uh, no. I don't have a car yet." I say, my face dropping into a sad face.

"Do you want a ride?" He asks. My face brightens up a bit.

"Sure, thanks. You're the best." I say and his face lights up.

We walk to his car in a comfortable silence. When we stand in front of his car he goes to my side and opens the door for me. That's one way to be a gentleman.

I step in, he closes the door for me and goes into the driver's seat. He starts the car and drives me there, again in a comfortable silence. When we arrive, I smile.

"Thanks for driving me here." I say, but as soon as I want to leave the car he holds me up.

"Hey, uhm. I've been wanting to say this for a while, but you're really amazing and pretty. And I, uhm, I like you a lot." He says, nervously smiling.

His face comes close to mine and I instantly freeze. I don't know my feelings, I haven't sorted out my feelings right. But I lean in anyways and our lips meet.

It feels wrong but also right, I have no idea what that's supposed to mean. When we pull away, he smiles and I smile too.

"See you later, Donald." I say and get out of the car. I go to Beca's dorm and see Chloe standing outside of her dorm.

"Oh, hey you're here." She says, I smile.

"Yep, told you." I say, as she goes inside, I check my little mirror in my bag.

My lipstick from the show was a little smudged so I fix and put the mirror back in my bag. Then I walk inside of Beca's dorm. WE all sit on the ground or on the couch, waiting for her to arrive.

When she does, we all say, "Hey!" She makes a weird face, making me wanna laugh.

"What up shawshank?" Fat Amy's nickname for Beca makes me giggle slightly.

"Did you get yourself a bitch?" Scynthia Rose asks.

"Did they spray you with a hose?" Fat Amy asks next."

"You guys waited up for me?" She asks.

"Ofcourse we waited up for you." Chloe says, standing up.

"They've been here for hours. It's a real incnvenience, Beca." Beca's roommate says, standing up and leaving the room.

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