Chapter 8

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"Thanks, I never really played the guitar in front of anyone but my parents and little brother." I said, she giggles and now my smile reaches my ears.

She let's go and I swallow a whimper at the loss of contact. 

"I'm glad you did. Step by step, you're going to be able to perform a solo again in front of public. And I will help you." She says, I like it that she tries to help me. Nobody ever tried to help me this way.

"Thank you." I say, holding the feeling back to hug her again.

"So, what about some practice for the regionals?" I ask, smiling.

"Yeah, sure. Not sure if we have enough place to do that here."

"No worries, come with me. I have a good spot actually." I say with a smile.

I'm taking her to the spot where we can see the whol school.

"This is amazing!" She yells, her arms wide open and a big smile on her face.

"Okay now, let's practice." I giggle, that was the first thing I did when I discovered this spot.

Yell out loudly, loving the feeling of being able to see across the whole school. We practiced the performance a few times, sadly we can't do it with the Bella's, but I don't to show this spot to anyone else yet.

This is the spot I come to whenever I run away to think. It's even a miracle that I tell this to Chloe.

Well no, I think I'm slowly falling for her, but I have to swallow my feelings. She has a boyfriend.

"You okay, sunshine?" She asks as I was deep in thought.

"Yeah, how 'bout you ginger" She giggles.

"I'm alright." With that, we go to a café, like we said we would.

I'm going for a simpel cappuccino, cause last time when I drank alcohol, I puked. It's not that I'm gonna stop drinking alcohol, I just wanna slow it down.

"Well, I guess you must be pretty nervous to perform on the regionals." She states, I nod sipping from my coffee.

"It's the first time that I'm gonna perform for public after the incident." I say, she now takes a sip from her coffee.

"Well, you're not alone. So don't worry about all of it. Okay?" She asks, I nod carefully.

We finish our drinks and go back to the dorm. I play some mixes, but those I've already made. With a smile I go to sleep.

-2 O'clock in the morning-

I shoot up, sweating as I'm being anxious. I grip my bed sheets tightly, breathing harshly. I just had a nightmare about the regionals all going wrong. Ending up with me running away and crying.

So I sob lightly now. As quiet as I can, I go outside and to my special spot, sitting there and looking over the school. It doesn't matter if I'm shivering or not, it may be cold right now, but I need to be here at this moment.

"What are you doing here this late?" I hear a voice from behind me.

Ofcourse, it has to be Donald. How does he even know this place?

"Why do you care?" I say, the tears still stained my cheeks. I had no time to wipe them away.

"Hey, I'm not trying to be a dick. I'm worried, you know." He says and comes sitting next to me. I shiver once more because of the cold air.

"Here, take this." He gives me his jacket.

"Thanks." I say, somehow cuddling into his jacket.

This feels good too, I don't even know if Chloe likes me back. And even if I were to start something with Donald to forget about my feelings for Chloe, I would have to lie to all the Bella's, cause they said that we can't be with Trebles.

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