Chapter 2

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This is it, I'm going to overcome my fear and join the Bella's. I need to do it, I'm sure now. I'm gonna follow my heart for once, screw what my brain says. This is one of those times that I better not listen to my mind anyways. Otherwise I'll be afraid forever. And if I want to make it to L.A. I better get over that fear.

"I think I'll head back to our dorm." I announce, both of them nod at that, though it had been more directed to Chloe.

Okay, I take one quick look at the flyers that were spread out on the table behind the girls. The song that they want the auditioners to sing is 'Since you've been gone'. Ofcourse I know that song, it's one of the most popular songs by Kelly Clarkson. Although I don't really need to practice much for that song, I try to sing the part with the high note at the end, knowing that I still struggle a little with that. I stop singing right on time, only ten seconds later footsteps approach the door and stop right in front of it, then the door is being unlocked.

In a short span of time when I heard the footsteps, I turned on my laptop and throw my headset around my neck. Right when Chloe enters, I was finished typing the password to enter my laptop.

"I thought I could hear someone sing, was that you?" Chloe asks, closing the door behind her.

"No, I told you that I don't sing remember?" She nods, the little hope she had that it was me vanishing from her eyes.

"The voice I heard, it was really good. It's a girl, only it's too bad that I don't know where it came from. I could've asked her to join the Bellas." She says, my heart flutters at the compliment but I turn back to my music to hide my wide smile.

Not fast enough apparently, "What are you smiling at?" She asks as she comes a little closer.

"I think I just found two songs that would perfectly match together." I say, trying to come up with two songs that I didn't use before.

'Prayer in c' pops into my mind, then 'break free'. It has me confused as to why it would be those two songs in particular but I don't let it show as I try to match the beat and the lyrics. To my surprise my mouth falls open. The mix sounds almost perfect, leaving me absolutely stunned.

"Omg, listen to this." I'm being overly enthusiastic as I pull out the cable that connected my headphones to my laptop, plugging my speaker cable in instead.

"That sounds so good, no wonder your smile expanded in the blink of an eye." She says.

I've been looking for ages for a song that fits so well with 'prayer in C', it just has to be this random moment that I figure it out. I save it with pride in my eyes, it's definetly a good one. I make my bed, wondering why I didn't do that before, then turn off my laptop. We both take turns changing into our pyjamas, it's me who turns the lights off.

"Good night, Chloe." I say, closing my eyes.

"Good night." She replies, not long after I fall into a deep slumber.


I slowly wake up, making my way towards the showers with a bottle of soap, bottle of conditioner, a towel and a bath robe. Ofcourse I missed my first class because I forgot to set an alarm, perfect. I take the space in a shower cabin, not singing as soon as I step into the shower for once. The reason why is because it's a public shower, all girls from this dorm shower here. Suddenly I hear somebody coming in, singing. Apparently I'm the only one who thought about not singing in a public shower.

The girl is singing Titanium, that's Chloe's lady jam. Wait, why in God's name do I remember that?

"You can sing!" I hear a familiar voice say.

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