Chapter 4

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~Next morning

I wake up to someone slightly shaking me, making me open my eyes. But I immediately close them again, not having adjust to the sunlight streaming through the now uncovered window. I groan, turning around in my bed and when I've adjusted to the light, I see that Chloe is slightly hovering over me.

"Hey, wake up sunshine. It's Bella's practice today." She says.

"Can you give me an aspirin, my head is killing me." I say to that, making her giggle lightly as she already held out an aspirin, a small bottle of water in her other hand.

"Thanks." I murmur, putting the aspirin in my mouth, then swallowing it with the water she had held out to me.

I change clothes in the bathroom, opting to take my shower after the Bella's practice. Since I don't know what to expect, I'll just assume that if I had taken my shower now, I could've been sweaty after the practice is over. I'm wearing simple tracksuit bottoms with an army green Nike shirt, and a loose light-grey hoodie to shield myself from the cold that the fall brings.

Then we make our way towards the auditorium for practice. I have a small bag slung over my shoulder with some water in case I need it. When we arrive, everyone is looking at photos. Upon a closer look, I notice that they're all photos from the old Bellas.

"Man, the old Bellas was hot." I hear Cynthia Rose says as she scans the photos.

I smile a little, putting my back down somewhere out of the way.

"Yeah, they kept it tight." Amy says, I hold back a giggle.

"I saw you drank quite a bit last night, you okay?" Beca asks, she probably kept an eye on everyone.

From where she was standing, she could see the dancing crowd, and the bar where people went to order drinks. So she must have seen what I have been drinking. I only nod slowly in response, not trying to be too violent with any type of movement. The aspirin didn't take its effect yet, so the pounding headache still remained.

"Okay, sopranos in the front and altos in the back. As you can see, Kori isn't here. Last night she was Treble-boned. She has been dis-invited from the Bellas." Wait, she's actually for real?

I must be dreaming right? She didn't really say that.

"That oath was serious?" Beca asks loudly, which causes me to whince.

She shoots an apologetic look at me, then I focus back towards the front of the group.

"Dixi chicks serious. You can fool around with whoever you want to, just not a Treble." Aubrey explains, making me frown a little.

So basically what she's implying, is that she controls who we choose to go out with, or who we try to have sex with?

"That's not gonna be easy. He's a hunter." Stacie says, locating towards her private area.

"You call it a dude?" Beca asks, well she just did.

"Stacie, the Trebles don't respect us, and if we let them penetrate us, we're giving them our power." Aubrey then explains to Stacie.

Why did she have to use that word to describe it? Actually, scrap that. Why does she feel the need to control what we do with others? What is the rivalry even based on?

"Not a good enough reason to use the word penetrate." Fat Amy says, which has me giggling quietly, my hangover forgotten for just a second.

"So, does anyone here have anything to confess?" She looks around the group, scanning each Bella for a distinct look on our faces.

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