Chapter 13

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She says nothing but just hugs me and starts crying.

All this time, she had to soothen me whenever I was crying and now it was me that had to do that. So now, I'll be her rock and rub circles on her back.

When Benji came, I waved him away with my other hand. He nodded and went to the stage as I continued to be there for Chloe.

"Aubrey lashed out at me." She sobbed silently.

I just gently caress her back, making sure she's okay.

"Hey, it's not your fault okay?" I say in an attempt to soothen her, she silently nods on my shoulders.

I take a handkerchief out of my pocket and pull away slightly, wiping her tears away  that left mascara stains on her cheeks. She slightly smiles.

"Thank you." She says, sniffling slightly. Now I get a small smile on my face.

"Well, it's spring break, what are you gonna do?" I ask her, she inhales sharply.

"I'm gonna remove my nodes." My eyes open widel and my hand immediately finds a way to her shoulder.

"That's a great decision Chloe." I say, she nods lightly.

"Now, will you have a drink with me?" I ask slightly squeezing her shoulder.

She nods and we walk to a nearby. She has to help me walk a little because of the pain that I still have from running. We go sit on a barstool.

"So, what would you like to drink?" I ask her.

"I'll go with a tequila sunrise." I call for the waiter.

"Two tequila sunrise please." I ask, he nods and I talk with Chloe meanwhile.

"So, how are you doing now that Donald broke up with you." She asks carefully.

Our glasses are being placed in front of our noses.

"Well, I've been doing surprisingly good actually. Since you've been there for me most of the time." I say, taking a sip from my drink.

When I look at Chloe's glass, it's already half empty.

"What are friends for?" She says, downing the rest of her glass.

The word 'friend' hit me like a bullet, making me down my whole glass.

"Yeah, exactly." I say, ordering two tequila sunrise again and that's how it goes till we both had six and had trouble staying on our feet.

"W-we better go b-back to our d-dorm." I say with trouble, drinking the rest of my seventh tequila sunrise.

"A-alright then. L-let's go." She says, downing the rest of her drink.

I give the waiter the money and told him to keep the change, then we walk outside.

"Okay, w-what way is it again." I ask, vision blurry and both Chloe and I are leaning on each other.

"T-that way I think." She point to a direction with difficulty.

"H-hold on." I say and place my back against the wall, leaning on it.

My brown hair is hanging in front of my blue eyes, making it even harder for me to see anything.

"Y-you okay there?" Chloe stutters, looking at me.

"Is, is there t-two of you?" I ask her, squeezing my eyes shut a little.

"No, I-I don't think t-there's two of you either." She says and comes stand next to me against the wall.

"Girls, you alright?" Aubrey asks, it's 1 O'clock at midnight, what is she doing outside?

Pitch Perfect: College loveDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora