Chapter twenty two: Gift

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"Dad! I got to meet Santa Claus! Look! Look!" Angelica showing the picture at his face while being carried by Liam. 

"Yes, sweetheart. I can see that," he said. 

I can see the resemble with his daughter and Liam. They have the same hair color, the nose and the eyes. 

"The nice lady gave me food and let me see Santa," she said. 

"She did, did she?" Liam glance at me for a moment. 

I'm not sure what that look means. 

He puts his daughter down while holding her hand. 

Liam looks at me and clear his throat, "Thank you for.....taking care of my daughter." 

"No problem, I'm happy she's back to you." 

"Let me pay for everything," Liam was about to get his wallet. 

"It's okay, no need to do that." 

"I insist." 

"Invite her for Christmas party!" Angelica throw her arms in the air. 

We look at her with eyes widened with adding more awkwardness to the atomsphere. 

"What?" she said looking at both of us. 

"I'm actually busy," I said quickly before Liam ask. 

"Are you sure?" 

"Yeah, I have my own Christmas." 

"Are you visiting your family?" Angelica ask. 



Saya said she will be gone for the holidays. I have her apartment to myself. 

"They're busy too." 

"What are you doing?" She ask. 

"Well, I was going to watch Christmas movies and drink hot cocoa." 

"Isn't that lonely?" Angelica said.

Right through my heart she had to mention my lonesome for this Christmas. Again like every other year. 

"Angelica," Liam said. 

"It is, that's okay. I got Christmas spirit," I told her poke her nose.

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