Dexter's Route

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"You know, today isn't pay your rent day," I said while eating my sandwich staring at Dexter sitting across from me. 

He blow on his soup, "I need peace and quiet. Your apartment, actually MY apartment has it. As your landlord, I have every right to be here." 

"Under the contract, I sign my name that I own part of it. In a way, you invading my space." 

We stare down each other waiting for the other person to make  a move. 

Dexter comment, "you have bread crumbs at the corner of your mouth." 

"What, where?" I said try to swipe them away from my mouth. 

He smiles, "you lost." 

I glare at him, "You are so lucky that you're my landlord. if you were my neighbor, I'll throw you out." 

Dexter and I have this odd relationship. Dexter is my landlord. I am his renter. Our relationship wasn't like this. It's was way sour. 

I use to call Dexter a loan shark that keeps asking our money knocking on our door like it's Christmas. 

One day, I blew up at his face. He was surprise by my words and what I thought of him. After that, he knock on my door to apologize and wants to change  to be a much nicer person. I help him by communicating with the neighbors who had real issues such missing mail, water problem and community. 

Dexter is slowly changing himself bringing what the renters need. Strangely, Dexter comes to my apartment ask different advice what he needs to do to help benefits for the renters. 

We start grew closer as friends. We start to make jokes to one another even though I'm surprise Dexter can crack smile. I was so use to his serious demeanor. 

Honestly, I enjoy Dexter's company. I'm surprise to have say this. I really do. 

It's comfortable and relaxing. 

Right now, I'm a total mess. My hair is all messy, wearing pjs, and no make-up on. Dexter was use to it since during payments he seen my worst. 

"Am I dateable?" Dexter said all of sudden while scrolling through his phone. 

I nearly spit my water, "dateable?"

"You have the same reaction as my sister except she laugh for hours." 

"Why do you need justify your dateable? Unless..........Are you in love with someone?" 

Dexter avert his eyes and push his glasses, "I'm just asking." 

"It is! who is it?" I slam my hand on the table.

"It's nobody. Now, tell me on the scale of 1-10 how dateable material am I?"

I look at Dexter with a serious expression.

"Well....I can't tell you." 

"Why not?" 

"don't I need to date you before I can give you a rating?"

"How about it?"

I laugh," You? Me? Dating. Dexter, you're my landlord and my friend-ish."

I don't want a real relationship but I don't want a fictional oneWhere stories live. Discover now