Chapter twenty-nine: Your Heart

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[Your Apartment] 

I'm in front of my old apartment that says 


I breathe in......then out. 

I put my hands on the door knob. 

I turn it and enter my apartment. 

I saw him. 

"What." I said. 

It's the homeless guy that save me. 

He had the cover of the game in his hand. 

He had bandages all over his arm, hands, legs, neck and mouth. I saw his hazel eyes looking at me when I enter. His long white hair  touching his shoulders. He loos like an angel standing in front of me. 

[Heroine, I have been waiting for you.] 

My eyes widen.

I keep looking at him. 

It's unreal.

He chuckles. 

[Heroine, please enter. This is your apartment after all.] 

I step inside.  

The door close behind me. 

"'s your name?" I ask. 

[My name is 207895679056] 

"um...well...that' number." 

[I was design copy of this game. see?] 

He put the game cover and points at the barcode. 


[Unless, you want to give me a name.] 

"What name do you want? Do you have particularly in mind?" 

[My mind doesn't care for names of myself unless it's about you.] 

"I don't understand. how are you speaking to me? Why are you doing this?" 

[I was created by a game company in Japan that helps heroine find the love in the reality world who has connection in their crossing paths of their bachelors.] 

"The reality." 

[Instead having fictional character that you can't having feeling towards behind the screen, heroine should interact the men that are most compatible.]  

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