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Damn pep rallies are the best, they always lighten up my mood. What can I say our senior class is the best, that's why we won AGAIN. Since baseball season was over a month ago, me and the guys always go to the park to get some practice in. There really isn't much to do besides go to meetings with coach.the only physical thing we can do now is PE. Sometimes Riley joins and practices with us since we're both captains, we both got to be better than our last game. Football season started about 2 months ago, we don't have many practices going on and we don't officially start workouts till mid-January. After school we have team meeting with coach, since the pep rally lasted longer than necessary we missed our last period. I make my way over the boys locker room with Cruz, Reece and the rest of the team.

"Ay bro You going to the football game after the meeting with coach?" Cruz asked while shoving me with his shoulder.

"Now why would I do that?" I implied "it's not like there is something worth watching anyways."

"That's a damn lie and you know it" added Reece "the girls man! The girls! Who would miss a chance at seeing those cheerleaders!"

"Yea bro, besides a little birdie told me Riley might be there" Cruz wiggles his brows "that's our chance to pull a prank on her!" He chanted

"Does that little birds happen to be Andrea?" I respond giving him a sly smile

"Maybe." Cruz commented

Ever since junior year Cruz has been having a crush on Andrea. Not that I blame him she is cute in her own way I guess you can say. Although they flirt with each other they are both oblivious of each other's feelings. Reece and I always tease him about it which he still has the nerve to deny.

"Cruz and Andrea sitting in a tree K-I-S-S" Reece started singing

"Finish that song and I'll end you right here right now." Cruz warned but even I can see the humor behind his glaring eyes.

"Is that a threat or a promise"
"How about both"
I should probably stop this right?
What for? Let's see what happens first
If fists start flying I'm not taking the blame

I grin when I see Reece take a small step back. Oh great, this isn't going to end well I think to myself and shake my head.

"I-N-G!!" Reece is now running away from an angry Cruz "FIRST COMES LOVE!"

"I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU!" Cruz swore dropping his bag on the ground running after him

"THEN COMES MARRIAGE!!" Yelling over his shoulder Reece ran toward the gated pool area

"YOU'RE DEAD MEAT CARTER!!" He barked while catching up to him

"THEN COMES A BABY IN A BABY CARAAHH!!" Is all I hear before I see Cruz tackle Reece to the ground. Taking my time to reach them I put down my sports bag and try to separate them before fists really do start flying.

After a while of struggling to pull those two idiots apart, we walked into the locker room. Some of the guys are sitting on the floor and others sitting on benches. Looking around to see who's here and who else is missing, I would say about 5 other guys. One by one they start to walk in. Now the whole team is here and that's when coach himself walks in holding a clipboard. It's mandatory to take roll call even if it's just for a small meeting like today.

Coach clears his throat before he begins what he's going to say "Alright ladies listen up its time for roll call. Once that's done we can get down to business." All I can think after he said that was the song from Mulan.

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