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     After breakfast Cruz dropped the girls at home and took Marie back to my place. I know my mom won't trip since she is used to the guys coming over a lot, and well I know my tia won't trip as much once my mom tells her who Cruz is and what not. Marie already knows Chase is taking me to pick up my car so that's what I told her to tell my mom if she asked.

  Chase was already in the car while I went back upstairs to see if I left anything and put on my shoes.

"I'll see you later Caramel" I say to him walking into the living room

"For sure my dude" looking over his shoulder and giving me a smile

"Well gotta go before Chase-"  HONK!! "Honks at me" pointing to the door with my thumb and letting my head drop

"Haha yea I'll walk you to the door" offering while getting up. Before I even answer he already walking to the front door

"By any chance do you know what happened last night? Everything is a black hole in my brain." I ask him and close the door behind me

"Yea I got like a shitload of girls numbers and if you recall earlier's convo I woke up with some other dudes jeans"

Stopping half way I give him an annoyed look "no dummy I meant with me"

"Why would you give me your number? I already have it sprints" I really hope he's joking right now

Shoving him away I cross my arms over my chest and just glare at him

"I kid I kid jezz, but no I don't know I mostly saw you with Chase so why don't you ask him." Being sincere this time

"I will, see you later gator" giving him a hug and let go before


Spinning towards the car real quick "STOP FREAKIN HONKING AT ME I HEARD YOU THE FIRST FUCKING TIME!!" I yell at Chase

Apparently this amused him since all he did was laugh. You see whenever Chase gives me a ride anywhere when I don't have my car he leaves the door open for me. So right now he's leaning towards the steering wheel with his left hand on top of his head and just laughing at me, cuz he knows I heard him the first time and he also knows I hate it when he honks more than once.

 So right now he's leaning towards the steering wheel with his left hand on top of his head and just laughing at me, cuz he knows I heard him the first time and he also knows I hate it when he honks more than once

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Turning back to Reece I give him one more hug before heading to the car

"Smell you later Sprints"

Getting in the car I shut the door and gave a goodbye and we drive off.

"Wow that was the most dramatic thing I've ever witnessed in my life" Chase says with a roll of his eyes

"Your existence in my life is the most dramatic thing I've ever witnessed." I mock him

"What took you so long anyways?" Turning his head to look at me before looking back at the road

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