A/N Let me explain

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I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm soooo sorry guys. But if you let me explain I'll tell you guys why I haven't posted in a long time after I said I was going too.

First off I'm 22 and Married to a soldier so in other words I'm an army wife. Trust I still act 15-16 anyways my husband was deployed in South Korea for 3 months explains why I had no life and started writing to keep me busy (besides helping my mom take care of my younger sister and brother). I would sleep really late cuz Korea is in a different timezone and I would FaceTime my husband every night. In the morning I woke up and took the kids to school (yes 22 and still hate waking up early) come back home and catch up on my sleep but only get 3-4 hours of sleep before my parents got off work so I had to clean the house (yes you still have chores at 22 lol) sorry not sorry.

Second my sister got married and I was helping her with decorations and all that good stuff. Babe was already in Texas since Valentine's Day but I wasn't able to welcome him home which sucked ass. I believe it was March 13 we drove 2 hours to pick him up from the airport. And so my soldier was home and I was trying to spend as much time with him and my family before we had to drive up to visit his family for a week before we drove to Texas. Idk how many of you know this but from California to Texas is an 18 hour drive not including stops. There's a fun fact for you. And I'm not going into detail of what we did on those two weeks with family.

And lastly I finally moved to Texas with my love and we've been so busy getting things together for our apartment. When I say we had nothing I mean nothing beside an inflatable bed (which btw sucks balls can't wait to get a REAL BED) Most of our money was gone from the drive and the 2 weeks so we really couldn't get much. But we were able to get some food, but today we finally got dishes, cleaning supplies, pots and pans, and more food so I can officially cook a home cooked meal for once!!

I wrote the chapter I just posted after the one before it but I've been struggling on it so much so I just stopped working on it completely cuz I didn't want to give you guys a crappy chapter. Every once in a while I would write on it but get stuck again and again and again. This past week I was able to get some inspiration so it helped big time and well there you guys go.

And can I just say thank you for the 345 reads on this story!!! I love you all so much for sticking with it!!

I will be writing more now that everything is falling into place. I'm not promising to write everything cuz that didn't work the first time so I'll try my hardest to keep updating 😘😘

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