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"RILEY WINS!!" Is all I hear before the crowd goes crazy and I can't even hear the music anymore. Pushing past people to get to the front I finally see her. Everyone congratulating her on her win and she has this proud smile on her face.

"Damn Riley who knew you had it in you to beat me in my own game" Charlie tells her giving her 2 high fives

"Haha I actually thought you were going to win this time." She tell him

This time? What does that mean?

Walking up behind her making sure she doesn't see me, I hug her from behind and she lets out a squeal so loud I try not to laugh.

"You got yourself one hell of a drinker there man. She's a keeper" Charlie looks at me and winks.

"Oh no I'm just his frie-"

"Hell yea I do! And you bet she is." I tell him throwing my arm over her shoulder and giving her a kiss on the cheek.

Riley looking annoyed she rolls her eyes and elbows me on my side but smiles and shakes her head.

"You guys enjoy the rest of the party" and with that he walks away.

Removing my arm from Riley I just look at her and can't help but stare and notice her outfit.

"Like what you see?" I snap my eyes back at her and see that she has her arms crossed across her chest

"I don't know depends," I reply giving her a sly smile. Looking at her I notice her face expression change and I know she's pissed with me. "Take a shot with me and I'll explain everything to you I pinky swear."

Holding out my pinky for her to take to let her know I'm being serious right now. Giving me a single nod of her head and intertwining her pinky with mine. Turning around I grab the two shot glasses Charlie left and reach for the bottle as well.

"I know you're probably mad at me cuz I left without a word and haven't answered any of your calls or text and trust me I got them all once we crossed the boarder" I start to explain and see the lost look on her face

"Wait you crossed the boarder? As in the Mexico boarder?" She asked

"Bottoms up," I hand her the shot glass and down it. Feeling the familiar burning sensation I only get from liquor. "But yes the Mexico boarder. Is there any other boarder in the world?"

"Actually yes there is but that's not the point, what were you doing in Mexico in the first place?" She questions me

"Did you really forget the only reason why I leave to Mexico almost every holiday?" Crossing my arms "for two to three weeks might I add ever since we were small..."

Leaning against the island she just gives me a blank stare as if she has no idea what I'm talking about.

Oh man

"Family Riley I go to visit my family over in Mexico." Giving up and just telling her "you know Ohana means family, family means nobody gets left behind." Recognition finally settling on her face making her eyes widen

"Or forgotten" Covering her face with her hands from embarrassment "how could I forget!"

"It's ok Lani you don't have to be embarrassed it happens." Putting my hand on her shoulder


Embarrassment that is all I feel right now. How in the hell could I have forgot that he visits family!

I bet you anything Richie knew

Grabbing the bottle again I sever is another shot to take

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