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"Ugh Thank Buddha it's Friday" Jazz says from across the lunch table

This whole week I've been chill and just relaxed. I guess I have Chase to thank for, it's like he knew I needed it. Not gonna lie but the next day I was so sore I had a hard time going up and down the stairs, another reason I spent most of my day downstairs. But after the soreness went away mom, Ritchie and I help my tia and Marie move into their place. Honestly it's the cutest little house that looks like a cottage.

Ok you caught me I didn't really help, but I did help Marie pack the little things she had out and put them all in my car. AND I helped her decorate her room and unpack everything.

"So how was everyone's week?" Marie asks



"Sleeping in class"

"The usual"

"What exactly is the usual Reece?" Cruz question him and we all look at him for an answer

"Oh you know" rolling his eyes and shrugging his shoulders "school, homework, eating, pooping, showering, sleeping"

"Wash, rinse repeat bro" Cruz added

"Bro that's deep" Chase said

I swear their bromance is strong

"Well I'm going to the restroom before we head back to class" I say gathering up my trash and picking up my things

"Alright" they all say in union


Watching Riley walk away and making sure she's out of earshot I lean in closer to the group "Alright guys so Riley's birthday is coming up and I think we should throw her a surprise birthday party next weekend" I tell them in a low voice just in case she does come back "what do you guy think?"

"Dude yes that would be dope" Reece agreed

"We should all pitch in, that way no one has to buy everything" Drea recommended taking out a notebook from her bag " ok so we'll need decorations, plates and cups, napkins, forks, drinks, snacks, what else" asking while writing everything down

"Cake!" Cruz shouted
"Shh not so loud" Jazz shushed him
"Sorry. Cake" whispering this time
"We'll need music" Reece inquired "unless it's going to be just family and close friends then we can just hook up someone's phone to a speaker"

Listening to everyone's idea I glance over at Marie sitting there not saying anything

"Marie are you ok?" I ask her wanting to know if something was bothering her

"Hmm oh yea I was just thinking" she responds

"Well what are you think?" Starting to wonder if maybe this is a bad idea. Marie is really close to Riley so I'm just worried she won't end up liking it.

"Ok so Riley loves surprises right?" She asks me

"Right" I confirm

"Alright so how about we have a small get together at her place on Wednesday since it's her birthday that day, I'll talk with my tia and mom so that way they'll know and you guys head over and decorate the place while I distract her from going home" she began "and then on Saturday we throw her a huge party, again I'll talk to my tia and tio to check if it's ok with them first" giving me a questioning look as if saying if it's ok

"That actually sounds really good" I tell her

"But.." she says

"But?" I ask

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