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"-no I always thought I'd be with someone else I thought I would own the way I felt, yeah

I call you but you never even answer
I tell myself I'm done with wicked games
But then I get so numb with all the laughter
That I forget the pain

Whoa, you stress me out, you kill me
You drag me down, you fuck me up
We're in the ground, we're screaming
I don't know how to make it stop

Just watching Riley sing at the top of her lungs and driving us back home, I couldn't shake off the feeling of telling her that she didn't have to go all mamma bear on Chase.

Ok yes I get that she's just looking out for me but my goodness it's high school I can take care of myself, besides he was only helping me with books. I already have one mom at home I don't need another here at school.

"You got me so addicted to the drama
I tell myself I'm done with wicked games
But then I get so numb wit- ugh hello that was the best part of the song... and you ruined my performance. What gives?" She grunts but I know I have her attention so I don't care.

"What gives as you say 'mom' is that you didn't have to be so rude to Chase since he was only helping me out with my books, and we just happen to collide onto each other in the library" I start off "and another thing 'mom'...

"Ok ok you can't stop with the mom thingy, you're right I shouldn't have been to harsh on him but I'm only looking out for you Mere"

"I get that but I'm 17 not 10, I don't need a second mom to look after me at school" I told her

"Alright fine" she says "but no boyfriends" turning towards me and giving me a stern look. I couldn't help but laugh "funny how you think I'm joking"

"Oh come on" I say throwing my hands in the air and sink down on the passenger seat "I know you're just messing with me but that's still not funny" glancing sideways I can see that evil little smirk forming on her face

"Ok you got me. I'll back off"

"Thank you"


"Damn it what now stinky butt?"

"First off, rude." Having her finger in the air "second, Mrs. grown woman your mother wants me to drive you to and from school"

"Annd that's a problem why?" I ask seeing as I already kind expected her too anyways

"Uhh hello captain of the softball team speaking here" giving me a little wave

I don't know if it's just me but whatever Riley is trying to get me to understand is just not registering into my brain. I'm really just giving her a blank look right now all while she's looking at the road and back at me with a look saying I should know the answer but I really don't at the moment.

Shrugging my shoulder at her and still not getting what she's trying to imply. She gives up

"I have practice after school, sooo Mensa that means you can either stay with me until practice is over or I don't know join a club.."

"Oooh yeeea, I knew that's what you were talking about but it just didn't register yet" and with that she rolls her eyes at me "I don't mind staying until practice is over"

"Ok then"


"But what?"

"I'll do that until I find something to do. I still want to see what the clubs and sports are like." I tell her "If that's ok with you?"

"No yea that's fine we'll just let your mom know that way she won't worry and whatnot"

"Cool beans" and with that we continue heading home and I turn the radio back up

"Gracias!" Riley laughs throwing one arm in the air

"Girl what you trying to do
Cause I don't got a clue
No, I ain't no scooby doo
Help me help you
Cause I'm hungrier than you
I just wanna get some food and you about to kill my mood
Help me help you"

"Do these jeans make me look fat?
Yea I know you want the answer, but I'm smart and that's a trap
Help me help you
Oh, and here's a random fact


Marie's right I shouldn't have been to hard on Chase he was only helping her. I'll head over and apologize to him once I get home, eat, and finish homework. I also wonder what Mere is gonna end up joining at school? Hopefully it's something she likes. I know she's into photography maybe she'll join the yearbook...

"When you ask me my opinion
I'm always sure to be you're minion
Girl, you're kinda like long division
Everything is difficult
Help me hel-"

"We're home!" I shout out and turn the car off. Opening the back door I pull out my bag and head to the house. "Oh, there's yearbook if you wanna do that? I know that's something close to photography" I suggested unlocking the door

"Huh you know I'll look into it, thank you."

Opening the door I let Marie in first, from the corner of my eye I see movement over next door. Looking over I see Chase just got home too and he's carrying pizza. My mouth waters. Feeling bad from earlier I wave at him and he waves back.

"Want some?" He gestures to the pizza and fixes his bag that's slipping off

"You know I can never turn down pizza but mom made dinner" I tell him

"No worries" he replies with a small smile

"Maybe later?" I shrug

"For sure" a smirk on his face and with that we walk inside our own house.



This chapter took me forever to complete. After the last update I started this on but got really stuck on it, I honestly gave up on writing it but after I came home from work yesterday I opened Wattpad and saw that my story has reached 1k reads!!! Honestly you guys are the reason why I made a deal with myself to start writing again and to work on it on my days off 😁

I didn't want to give you guys a crappy chapter to begin with so I rewrote it yesterday and all of today so far. Hopefully you guys like it, please don't be afraid to give me feedback on it. Votes and comments are accepted

Love you my baby unicorns 🦄 😘

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