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After talking to Jayleen I head to my own room, plug my phone to the charger, gather a pair of clean clothes and head to the shower. I don't know what it is but I don't like taking showers without music, don't know if its just me or people feel the same.

Setting the water to the right temperature, I walk back out to my room and grab my speaker and before walking back I walk over to my phone and open it up to my music and hit shuffle. Putting the speaker on top of the toilet I turn it on and wait till the phone connects before I start to under myself. Getting into the shower the warm water hits my back and relaxes my muscles right away. Just kidding the water was too hot that I had to move the shower head towards the wall and fix the temperature, sure I should of checked on it first but what fun is that am I right.

bellyache by Billie Eilish starts to play and its kinda funny that I've had this song stuck in my head all day today and its the first song that starts to play. Of course I sing along and perform while scrubbing shampoo in my hair but obviously my clumsy self gets some in my eyes that I just drown myself with water until its all off. After conditioning my hair and washing my body I'm about to move on shaving my legs when I hear my phone through the speaker make a ding and I ignore it but then I get another text and that irritates me that I end up cutting myself a little with the razor, luckily it wasn't deep.

Finishing up I rinse off my body and hair one last time before shutting off the water and wrapping a towel around me. Drying off my body first I wrap my hair in that weird thing girls do with their own hair and put my clothes on. I grab the speaker and head over to my bed and check my phone for the culprit that made me cut myself while shaving

u up
is all it said, but in like separate messages like they asked first and then sent the question mark after

yea? why?

come outside.

???huh?? and he didn't respond after.

ugh great all I wanted was to shower lay in bed share funny memes, skip through peoples snapchat and probably read a few chapters on Wattpad(well more like finish a book before I get sleepy) but nope, now I have to meet this guy after I just showered and put on shoes and bra

yes I like to sleep without a bra on its the most comfortable and freeing feeling ever! I also like to sleep in a big t-shirt but I don't want to go into detail on how I like sleep or what I wear to sleep in. The point is is that for some reason Aaron just texted me asking to come outside

omg he's gonna kill me

you are so fucking dramatic, I swear you act like he's never texted you to hang out before

you right

grabbing my shoes I couldn't help but look out my window over at Chase's room but I'm only welcomed with darkness. I hate not talking to him but he brought this on his own. Making my way down stairs I can hear the tv on in the living room, yelling out that I'll be back later I shut the door and see him leaning on the passenger door on his phone before he sticks it in his pocket


"Ready for what exactly?"

"You'll see trust me" holding open his door for me to get in. Once I'm seated I get a glance on Chase's bedroom window and I see him looking out but just as quickly moving away from it.

We've been driving for about 20 minutes now and I can't seem to know exactly where we are going but I do know it's a little out of town going into the city. Not one word has been said the whole way, yet it's not an awkward silence or even uncomfortable, the radio playing softly in the background and the windows cracked open just enough to feel the wind. I couldn't help myself from opening it all the way and sticking my arm out, moving my face closer to the window I hear the radio getting louder until I feel the vibrations on the seats and Better by Khalid is playing

Honestly his songs are just the kind you vibe too when you're on the road

We drive for another 10 minutes until he turns a corner and we end up behind what looks like an abandoned hotel.

Not creepy at all...

"you trust me?" Aaron says to me holding his hand out for me to grab. It's as if he knows I'll take his hand, which I do.

how is it that I've known him for a few short weeks and there's something about him that makes me comfortable and trusting of him. Call it a gut feeling or just a vibe but it's there and there's no denying it.

"where are we?" I ask just above a whisper, like if I was afraid to be loud or be heard. the real reason? I was a little scared we'd get caught and ok yea I was a little scared being around an abandoned hotel. You can tell me you wouldn't be too.

"well I do believe we are behind a hotel which looks to have been closed for a really long time, maybe a few years but if you wanna be technical its been shut down about 24 years going into 25."

"seems like you did research, or, now hear me out you've been coming here for quite some time that after a while decided to look into it" looking around to see exactly where we are going but it's pitch black and the only light we have is the moonlight and the flashlight on his phone. I'm now realizing that this whole time we are still holding hands and he hasn't made any attempts on letting go and neither have I.

"Guess you'll never know" turning around to give me a little smirk.

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