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"You should have seen his face Lani!" Marie exclaimed. "He didn't even know where we were until one of the workers welcomed us in." After the dare was done we walked into Hot Topic just to see what we fine.

"Damn I wish I was there to see his face" I tell her

"his face turned so red like a tomato I felt so bad for him" she says.

"Oh poor baby, did you tell him it was a dare?" I asked

"yea I didn't want him to suffer any longer, so I told him and he was cool with it too." Marie says. Making my way over where they have the T-shirt display on the walls I stood in front to see if I find any ones I would like. Pulling out my phone I check if I have any texts or missed calls only to see that i have an empty screen. Signing I shove my phone back into my back pocket and continue looking at the display.

"Still no answer huh?" Marie asked looking up from a clothing rack.

"Yea," I sigh out "it's just weird I don't know if I should worry about it any longer"

"Look pineapple turd," I turned around to face her so quickly "You don't have to worry. You already know that when he happens to get the chance to either call or text he will, so don't stress about it." She told me. She's right I shouldn't be stressing so much about it. I know Chase he always calls or texts once he gets a chance.

     Walking out the mall with a few bags each we head to the car to go to my favorite burger joint that's a few blocks from home. Parking the car we get out and order 2 burgers and a large chili cheese fries to share. Sitting at the corner table we take our drinks with us and wait for our food to arrive

"Hey so there's this party on Thursday that one of the football players are having wanna go?" I ask Marie

"Yea sure I'll see ask my mom if she has anything planned or something." She said

"I'll text Jazz and Drea if they are going, I know those two won't miss a party for anything." Pulling out my phone sending them a text. Or food arrives and we dig in. "I swear no matter how many times I come here I never get tired of eat here." I say taking a bit of my burger

"Mhmmm" Marie agrees stuffing her face with fries.


"Ugh I can't wait to just lay down in bed and take a nap!" Marie said lazily

"There's just something about easting that makes you tired" I say patting my stomach. I was about to put my key in when the door swings open. Walking past me to his car "YOU CANT AVOID ME FOREVER BRO!!" I yell out to him

"WATCH ME!" Ritchie yells back stopping in front of his car

"Bye cousin!" Marie waves at him as he opens his door

"Laters prima see you when I get back" he waves at her and smiles. HE WAVES AND SMILES AT HER!! I didn't even get a wave or a smile.

"UGH" I roll my eyes and walk inside "that's not fair he talks to you but not me" We head up to my room

"Maybe he's still mad at you?" She shrugs

"No he's not he's just being an ass," we walk into my room and lay on the bed "besides if he was he wouldn't be talking to you either."

"Huh I guess you're right." She lays down letting out a yawn


"Mi hijo y cuando regresan a casa?" My Grandma asked me.

"En dos días abuelita. La próximo semana que viene comenzamos la escuela." I explain to my grandma.

Once we came back inside from playing soccer we all sat down around the living room. All 3 of us have been trying to spend as much time with everyone before we leave in 2 days. From my grandparents too all my tias, tíos, older cousins all the way to the younger ones. Being here and away from home helps me ease my mind from home and school, especially since baseball season is coming up soon I know I need all the relaxation I can get.

"Bueno pues disfruta los últimos días que falta"  she advised me while making flour tortillas by hand for dinner.

"Claro abuelita," Cruz walks over and puts his arm around my shoulder "pero voy a extrañar su comida."

"Eso sí," Reece adds walking over to her and giving her a kiss on the cheek "siempre le sale muy rico."

"Pos claro hijos siempre vienen bien flacos," grandma jokes stretching the tortilla making it thin but not too thin "los tengo que dejar gorditos"

"Primo les play Xbox" one of my cousins tells us in broken English. At least his trying I give him props, 'A' for effort.

"Nomas un rato ya mero está la comida!" My Grandma yells after us as we scurry off to the room

"Damn man this is just what we needed, time away from home before school starts." Cruz says in a low voice so only Reece and I can hear him

"And before coach gets on our asses for conditioning." Reece added. Giving both of them a quick nod

I can't wait to go back home and be able to sleep in my own bed again. I love coming here but grandmas house isn't big enough to hold everyone inside. The guys and I have been sleeping on the floor in my cousins room. Which I don't mind but after sleeping on the hard floor for a while trust you'll end up with sore muscles.

We played the Xbox for a good 25 minutes until we were called down by my tio. We paused the game and made our way down. The smell of food instantly hitting our noise, making my stomach growl.

"Damn guess I'm not the only one who's going to miss grandmas food." Reece chuckles behind me.

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