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"ENTER" Jayleen says from the other side of her door

"hey ugly how was school today?" I ask her entering her room

"school is school, nothing new, just the same thing everyday." laying on her stomach doing some homework with all the notes and textbooks scattered in front of her "Ali is there something you want to talk about?"

"no not really," shaking my head  "I just- I know we haven't talked or hung out as much as we used to and well I just wanted to see how you were doing or feeling you know have a sister to sister talk."

"Oh, well I'm kinda busy with homework right now maybe later if that's ok with you?"

"Oh yea don't worry about," saying as I get up to go back to my room "Aright well I'll see you later ugly"

"Actually school sucks" She sputtered out. Putting her notebook on top of her book and closes it moving it to her nightstand making room from me to sit "there's this- never mind forget it"

"Nah nah nah you started it now finish" I tell her

Rolling her eyes at me she continues "well there's this new kid at school and well the principal and one of my teachers assigned me and the queen B of the school to show him around you know."

"Ok and let me guess you think he's cute blah blah blah queen bitch is being all slutty and touchy and trying so hard to get his attention yada yada yada y no se que tanto am I right?" Finishing my little rant and her face expression is basically initiating that I got it spot on

"Holy cow it's like you were there but not there, but how did you know? WAIT! Who told you? Was it Kim?" Now she's going on a little rant "I told her not to tell anyone, that little traitor"

"Ok chill baby satan no one told me anything so you can leave little Kim alone for now she's safe," MY GOSH "look the only reason why I know this is cuz it's not the first time I've seen this happen."

"Are you saying this happened to you too"

"Ugh as if. No I saw it happen a lot when I was in middle school and I kinda see it now even in high school." Ah middle school were the days "the bitch always wins, even in stories, how about this time we break that cycle and have the shy, funny, smart girls win"

"I don't know what stories you read but on Wattpad in the end those girls always win" she says matter of fact "but I understand what you mean thanks Ali"

It shocks me to see how much she's grown. She's very active, like when she was in elementary she did cheer and became a flyer, and she also did ballroom dance. Now that she's in middle school she did cheer for her 7th grade year and once she was an 8th grader she joined band. Every year, more like every other month she has had events or she'd be in a parade and my family would make time to go. I've asked her when she was younger what she wanted to be when she gets older(you know that one question everyone asks a child at a very young age) and she said a Vet now I ask her and she responds without missing a beat that she wants to be a marine biologist.

If people were to meet her they'd end up telling me that she's just like me, and I wouldn't even deny it because it's true. It's like she's a little mini me, we both have the same interests (mostly cuz I introduced them to her) like shadowhunters, miraculous ladybug, I even got her into reading, not that she's any good at it but drawing as well.

One time I asked her what college she wants to go to and she said UCLA, right away we both started going on their website and searching everything we needed to know. Now when she gets her report cards she shows me her grades and tells me she'll work on a class that she's failing at.

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