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You'd think that it being the first day back at school and it being 2 days after learning what exactly went down on Thursday that I'd forget what Chase said?



I didn't really hang out with anyone besides Marie, before school started again. Although we all talked on the phone and texted each other, we all just simply relaxed and enjoyed ourselves for those two days.

    Marie and my tia officially moved in yesterday. All of their stuff is in the guest room where my tia will be staying and some of Marie's thing will be in my room, mostly clothes and personal stuff. Marie is being enrolled next week but they decided to register her in school today and deal with all the paper work now rather than later.

I don't know if it's only me but why do I always forget my schedule and all of my locker combinations every time we come back from break? I know I can't be the only one in this school...

Not just that but it's too damn early to even force my brain into thinking. I think to myself as I try to open my book locker for the fifth time and just let my forehead hit the locker door.

"As much as I like seeing you struggle with your lock, I think it's safe to say you carved it on the bottom."

I hear someone say, not even lifting my head to see I just turn my head

Yea that's how lazy I am today

"Thank you you kind sir and may the gods and goddesses bless you with immortality" I tell them. Looking back at the locker I look at the bottom and see that they were right my combination was carved there. Putting in the 3 easiest numbers I finally open my locker. My books are either standing or laying there as well with binders and notebooks. On the locker door I have some pictures taped on it and what do you know my schedule is too...

"Well considering that I have a body of a god and one day will have the goddesses begging for me, I will accept your thank you" they say opening a locker a few doors down from mine.

"Don't you have to be annoying somewhere else?"

"Not until 4"

"Well can you ask one of the gods to sped up time?"

"No can do princess"

"Don't call me that"

"Someone is cranky this lovey morning"


"Come on I'll walk you to class princess" he throws his arm over me and closes my locker in the process.

"I don't wanna go" I whine like a 3 year old child who's been told it's bath time and drag my feet with every step

"Come on child stop being difficult" he tell me having to pull me along with him to class "you're lucky we have first period together"

"Hmm can I just go back home and say I'm 'sick' instead?" I huff out


"Awe come on Cruz you're no fun" I tell him but continue to head to class

"Princess I am the god of fun," he tells me "besides it's to late since we're already in class"

"UGH! I told you not to call me that dude" annoyingly shoving him away and walking to the other side of the classroom. Sitting down in my assigned desk I take out everything I will need for history and drop my head on the desk.

Why can't I have a more exciting class to start of the day like science? or art class? or even drama?

But no I have history first, AP Calculus since I need at least one honors class for Princeton, and then it's lunch which I can't wait for... science and to end the school day art class.

Oh and you can't forget softball practice dummy

How can I forget that stupid

"Miss. Rivers?" Mrs. Rogers calls on me while sitting on the edge of her desk

Shit I wasn't paying attention

"Uhh yes Mrs. R?" I ask her

"Do you know the answer to the question?"

"Oh uh can you repeat the question?"

"exactly how many original colonies where there in 1775?" She asks me "I will let you off with a warning about not paying attention to the lesson if you get it right."

Lookin around I try to remember what the answer is. I know I know this one we had a test about it before we left on break. Everyone is looking at me like if I'm getting sent to the office.

"It's uhh-umm 13 original colonies?" I question since my brain is still kinda dead.

"That's right, now please pay attention." And she goes back to teaching and everyone else goes back to taking notes. I look across and see Cruz trying so hard not to laugh out loud right now so I just flip him off.

Walking to my locker and drop of everything I won't need for homework tonight and leave everything else in my gym bag. The thing is I used to have a backpack but it was such a struggle to deal with sophomore year, so I just decided to use an old gym bag instead which benefits me more cuz I can just put everything in one bag even snacks! I just keep my practice uniform on the bottom so it doesn't get in the way.

I really gotta stop zoning out during first, it's starting to become a habit.

Not as much homework as AP Cal though. Ugh stupid AP Cal class and their homework

Going to my usual lunch table the minute I sit down is when my stomach growled really loud

"Was that you or your stomach?"

"Sadly that was my stomach. My mother starved me in the morning and breakfast at school doesn't do much" I reply.

"Luckily for you I can just go with you to get food and sneak an extra burger in your bag if you go now while it's crowded? If you want I mean." Reece offered

"I would very much love that thank you my good friend"

"Ooh friendzoned! After everything we've done and been through together you stab me in the heart" he says overly dramatic "I see a bright light my life is ending and I had so much love to give." Falling on top of the table faking his death and gaining attention from people walking by.

"This is the slowest death and a lot of talking I've ever witnessed" grabbing my bag off the floor and walk away.

Turning back around I see him laying with one hand on his heart and the other over his head, eyes closed and tongue out "are you coming or not weirdo?" I ask him crossing my arms

"Yup" sitting up and pushing himself off the table "nice to know that I mean so much to you instead of food" slinging his backpack on and catching up to me

"You know I care about you Caramel" hugging his waist "you're the second most important I love in my list"

"Who's the first?"


"Knew it, such a fatty"

"Hey! You eat more than any of our friends you piggy!"

"That is so very true, that is why the gods have blessed me with this amazingly hotness of a body" flexing his arms "to seduce the women" looking at a girl walking by and winking at her making her blush and look away.

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