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I can smell the deep fried food, hear different songs playing in the back ground as well as people's conversations. Hearing bits and pieces. The screams coming from every direction from the rides. The last few weeks of summer air making the fair even more enjoyable.

Every year on February the fair comes to town for two weeks and the guys and I always make it our mission to go every single day. Right after practice... fair... no practice?.... fair.... game day... fair...(weather we win or lose)

"Bro, come on you're holding up the line!" Some dude yells from behind me

"Oh shit my bad. I'm not in line though" I tell him. Apologizing and moving out the way

"Yo Chase! move your ass dude! I swear you walk slower than my grandma and she not even here anymore!" Having his hands around his mouth while walking backwards

Rolling my eyes at him I jog a bit to catch up to him, but he's still walking backwards "you know keep walking like that and you're going to bump into some one ass face." Walking next to him while eating cotton candy

"Blah blah blah ass face"

"And here I thought you guys would act like the grown adults we are" Cruz says from behind us "instead our rolls got switched and I'm the responsible one, Chase is always eating but still doesn't gain weight since 18, and Reece is the child. Fucking great"  throwing his hands in the air

"Responsible my ass!" Reece exclames making people look our way "and as for Chase" he continues and jabbing me with his thumb "I see a little belly going on"

"Bitch where?" I question him lifting up my shirt and show off my eight pack that I've gained during our last year in high school 5 years ago. I swear the minute I held my shirt up not gonna lie heads turned and I think I heard a few whistling. Only thing I found funny were the girls that were right next to their guy and they were openly staring.

"Right here" rewatching over to pinch my stomach. "See you aren't that fucking fit you dick!" Laughing so hard that he had to stop walking

"Knock it off children"

"Oh yes daddy!" Reece and I say in unison

"Fucking pricks" is all Cruz says

"So what ride is next?" I ask them finishing the rest of my Cotten candy.

"Let's go on speed" Cruz answers

"Speed sounds dope" Reese adds looking down at his phone

Ok so Speed is pretty much a ride with two ends on each side. Idk how else to explain it but I'll post a picture of it lol. I know rides have different names to them and I'd like to know what you guys call it so let me know in the comments 😁*

 I know rides have different names to them and I'd like to know what you guys call it so let me know in the comments 😁*

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