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I usually sleep in Saturday mornings but today didn't seem like one of those days. Huh how did I wake up in my own room on my bed? I don't remember anything after leaning back on Cha— oh no! I sit up really fast almost getting whiplash from doing so. How did I get home last night anyways? Looking around my room trying to spot anything out of place just to make sure the guys didn't take anything. I turn my head to the right where I have my black nightstand, I see my phone connected to its charger and a note taped to my white lamp.

Unsticking the note, I recognized the writing
'Morning Rileypoo,
Just letting you know right now, even though you are in shape you are one heavy person. You fell asleep during the game, so I had to carry your heavy unicorn butt all the way to my car and drive you home. Your brother took it from there but I carried your bag in :)'
Chunky butt

Picking up my phone I unlock it and send him a quick thanks, not a minute later I hear a ding indicating I got a text.

Unicornbutt: yea no problem
Unicornbutt: wanna meet out front for a run?
Rileypoo: sure, just let me get ready
Unicornbutt: you do you booboo
Rileypoo: smh meet you on 5 outside
Unicornbutt: ok

Getting my workout clothes I rush to my bathroom to change. Stripping off my clothes from yesterday I pull over a T-shirt and out on some yoga pants shoving my feet onto my running shoes. Grabbing my hair in a ponytail I turn to look in the mirror screaming my head off. Those dickheads are going to pay for this! One way or another! My brother busting open my bedroom door holding a broom as a weapon.

"Where is he!?! He can't hide from me forever" looking around as if someone was about to jump out at him. Imagine a 6'0 ft 22 year old muscular guy burst into your room swinging a broom like a bat... yea that's what I'm looking at at the moment.

"What the hell are you doing!?" I fumed as I look at my reflection please don't let it be sharpie "look at what those idiots did to my face!!"

Noticing there is no real danger in my room Ritchie put the broom by the door and leans against the doorframe "oh that, yea classic move," I turn on the water faucet and try to rub my face with soap trying to get rid of the mustache and big black circles around my eyes. "We even got pictures of you." Hearing this I stop mid scrub and peek at him through slit eyes "what pictures?" I growled at him

" hmm, figured you would see them by now since they are all over FB, instagram, tweeter, and Snapchat." He calmly says grabbing the broom again and walking out of my room.

Oh they are so dead... but first to get this mess of my face

Rinsing off the soap I reach over for a hand towel to dry my face. Brushing my teeth quickly I hurry down the stairs yelling out a good morning and I'll be back later to whom ever was awake and step out the house. The cold air hitting my skin immediately. I see Chase stretching on the grass in front of his house, he sees me and smiles his million dollar smile, noticing his nose and cheeks have a tint of red from the cold on his natural beige colored skin, his gold hair covered by a black beanie making his forest green eyes pop more.

No focus... remember what they did to you.

He drops his smile when he sees the hard glare I have on my angry face "YOU!!" Yelling at him and pointing at him still making my way towards him " YOU DID THIS TO ME!!" Showing him a picture on my phone  from Facebook.

Backing away slowly he holds his hands up in surrender "I had nothing to do with that" he try's to reason with me

"You let them draw on my face and let them take pictures, so they can post them!" Pointing at him and taking steps forward

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