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It's Wednesday night and we decided to have a sleepover. I've decided not to think of the guys and just enjoy my cousin and 2 best friends. Ritchie still isn't talking to me but that doesn't bug me, it's not the first time he's done this to me.

    Blankets, pillows and snacks are all scattered around us while we all sit on the ground watching Bring it on, you know that cheerleading movie. An hour before Drea and Jazz came Marie and I went to the store to buy junk food. See instead of buying the stuff this morning we decided to wait cuz I know my sad excuse of a brother would eat them all, as well as my little sister and brother. Once they got here we ordered Chinese takeout. Uhh no not Pizza. That's just lame and topical for any sleepover.

"- I thought I had.."
"Well try again and this time- be aggressive...B-E aggressive!" We all say along with the movie. I've seen this movie so many times it never gets old.

"So you ladies ready for tomorrow night?" Drea asked shoving her hand in a Doritos bag "I heard it was going to be lit and crazy"

"Dude the party is being thrown by the one and only Charlie captain of the football team, his parties are always crazy" I added

"Yes girl that is very true," Jazz looks over at me then turns to Drea "and I know damn well that you know just how crazy his parties get."

"Exactly how crazy do his parties get? Since I've never been to one." Marie looks away from the tv screen

"Oh girl, they get so crazy that Drea here," Jazz pats her knee throwing her a knowing smirk "got so freaking wasted she-"

Knock knock

"Marie, Riley mom wants you down stairs" Jayleen says from outside my room this time.

"Going!!" We both say removing the blankets and getting up.

"Be right back" I say to both of them leaving them in my room and making our way downstairs

"What do you think they want to talk to us about?" Marie asks me

"Honestly I don't know. They've both been busy doing god knows what and I hardly see them at home." I tell her and see her nod in understanding

"Mom?" I call out but hear nothing "ama?" I try again

"In the living room girls" my mom calls out. Making our way to the living room I see both women sitting on the couch talking in low voices

"Hey what's up ma? Is something wrong?" I ask kinda nervous about what's about to happen. Already thinking the worst thing possible.

"Oh no hija you can relax it's nothing bad." My mom reassured me, making me relax a little but not completely

"You girls can relax it's nothing bad." My tia says. So we both make our way to the other couch across from them.

"Mother what's going on?" Marie asked my tia

"We've been talking and I've been thinking about this a lot lately." She continues

"Thinking about what?" She questioned

"Well what would you think- how would you feel about living here?"


Getting the car ready to head back to California we say our last goodbyes to my family in Guatemala. Giving every single member a hug and receiving kisses from my grandma and tias. I know I said we wouldn't leave for another 2 days but we decided to head back tonight and get home Thursday late afternoon. We've enjoyed our little vacation but knew it was time to head back.

Walking up to my cousins we do one of those man hugs and that's when he surprises me "hey primo hopefully you enjoyed your time here, yo se que no hay mucho que hacer aquí pero that's why We have wifi." He tells me in his broken heavy accent

"Huh?" I look at him like he just grew two heads

"No te tejieron Reece y Cruz?" He looks over at them.

"Ok adiós" they both say hurrying to the car

"Par de idiotas" I shake my head at them and make my way to the car. Waving one last good bye before driving off.

"Fucking assholes" I tell them

"What? we didn't do anything." Reece says trying to sound anything but innocent

"Oh is this about the WiFi shit?" Cruz bluntly says "cuz we totally knew about it and we figured you did too."

"HA HA very funny so while I was over here with a useless phone you guys had yours connected all along."

"Technically we didn't know until the second day" Reece explained

"and Javier asked if we wanted the password." Cruz added

"Aww how sweet of him." I respond sarcastically "but you punks couldn't tell me at all?" I say a little annoyed at them for not telling me once they knew

"Sorry man" they both say

"we thought you knew since you were always checking your phone." Reece says

Not wanting to talk about it any longer we stay silent for a moment. It's going to be a long drive home.

Reece and I having a low conversation with my playlist playing softly in the background while Cruz is fast asleep. Only stopping to fill up the tank and restroom breaks. Like I said long drive home.

"I'm really into her man. She's totally different from all the other girls at school." Having a serious conversation between us.

"Then just tell her dude. Look if you really feel that way from what you've been telling me just tell her." Giving him some advice

"You know I think I will sometime this week." He says "and when are you going to tell Riley how you feel huh?"

"How I feel? Dude you know I don't see her as anything but a good friend." I tell him

"Is that why you're always flirting with her and over protective of her." Teasing me

"We joke around like that, she knows I'm not serious when I do and besides she does it too." I say shrugging my shoulders like it's no big deal "and she's like a Sister to me of course I'm going to look after her." I tell him

"You're so oblivious sometimes." He whispers and looks away

Even if he said it just above a whisper I heard him. Pulling over to a rest stop we wake Cruz up and we switch drivers, Reece at the wheel.

I can't feel that way for her right? I mean yes we flirt around but we just joke around. Of course I'm going to be over protective of her I've grown up with her almost my whole life, I see her as my sister. So than why do I have this weird feelings in my gut? And what about that dream? It just felt so right and real... letting my thoughts consume me I dose off in the back seat.


Hey guys so I haven't been able to post in a few days cuz I've been stuck babysitting my baby cousin and busy looking for an apartment in Texas for when my husband gets back from South Korea and I've just been really tired from the little sleep I've been getting. Thank you to everyone who took the time to read my story I honestly didn't think I would get 141 reads!!! So thank you all so much 😘.. please let me know if the story is moving too fast or something. Comment your favorite part of the story. I am on here almost all day so I will respond to your comments :)

Love you guys ❤️

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