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   I should have lied to Riley. I never should have told her what went down that night at the party, now because I did she hasn't spoken to me or anyone about it for all I know. Hopefully I get to see her today at school. This week has gone by so fast it's already Wednesday. Actually now that I think about she's been helping out Marie at school, since she transferred on Monday. Figured it would happen soon since they moved in with them.

   Having a free period with nothin to do I make my way to the library, headphones in music playing. Opening the door I walk in heading over the computer room to do some research for an assignment in AP history.

After taking down some notes I decide to go to the history section of the library and scan threw them to get more information. Grabbing as many books of the topic I'm working on.

Reading a section of the Battle of Wounded Knee and learning how the US army murdered more than 200 Indians, i couldn't help but start walking slower and reading to myself

"- South Dakota, on December 29, 1890. The Ghost Dance movement which had been recently revived by Indians rapidly died ou- umph" the books falling from my arms and onto the floor followed by my ass.

You know that saying "don't drink and drive"? Well don't read and walk.

"Oh I'm so sorry I didn't see you here let me help you up"

"No, no I'm sorry it was me who wasn't looking where I was going." They said apologizing as they were also picking up their books "I should have been paying attention instead of reading."

"Well that would make too of us" I admitted

She picks up one of my books of the floor and slowly stands reading the title "Battle of Wounded Knee, huh, are you like really into history or is it for an assignment?" She questioned handing it back to me

"Oh umm it's actually for history but I like learning more about the topics we study in class" I sputtered out and run my hand through my hair, finally looking up.

"Who would have thought that Chase Valdez likes to read for extra knowledge?" She joked

"Ha ha very funny Marie, anyways what are you doing here? You have a free period?" I asked her setting my books on a counter nearby.

"Actually no, I came to get all my textbooks for class and last period is doing a reading assignment" she tells me looking through the titles "so, I came to check it out and take it home to read ahead." Looking away from the books and giving me a small smile.

"Would you like me to help you look for it?" I offer her "I practically spend a lot of my free time here so I know where everything is thanks to a specific cousin of yours."

"Oh no I don't want to disturb you." She waves her hand at me

"It's no problem at all, besides I still have the rest of the period and I can always have something to do at home." I smile at her "just let me go put these in the computer lab and I'll meet you back here." And with that I pick up the book and walk away.

Setting down the books, I put my earphones away in my backpack and close my notebook. Walking back to Marie made me realize that Riley wasn't with her helping her out. Looking over the aisles I passed I make sure Marie hasn't wondered off.

When I come across the aisle I left her at she wasn't there, scratching my head I keep walking and I find her in the science aisle carrying three textbooks in one arm and pulling another to add to the pile.

"Woman I told you to wait for me haha?"

"Oh-uh-yea I don't like waiting sorry"

"Here let me carry those for you" I mention reaching for the books

"No-no I got it, I'm a strong independent woman, I can handle myself" she stated while adding the book to the pile

"Alright then. Just out of curiosity but why is Riley not with you helping you out with your books?" I question her

"Oh she had a softball meeting, she pretty much walked me here and dipped." Marie explained "why?"

"I just thought it wasn't like her to leave you here on your own when you're still getting used to the school." I pointed out

After helping Marie get all the books she needed, we walked to the computer lab where my stuff was and made our way to the check-out counter. Checking-out two books for my homework I stuff them in my bag and take three books from Marie without asking. I knew if I did she would say no again, just like Riley in a way but at the end I just take them from her and she doesn't say anything about it.

"How are you liking the school so far?"

"I like it, it's different from my old school but then again every school is different."

"Yea it takes a while to adjust too but eventually everyone gets used to it after a week." We make small talk here and there heading towards her locker

"Ok so what's the real reason you helped me with my books Chase?" She question me

Oh no she onto me

"What do you mean? I was trying to be nice.." shifting my eyes around not meeting her green ones

"I call BS!"

"But we aren't even playing the game." I try to joke

She squints her eyes at me and I already know I'm six feet under "ugh fine, I really was doing it to be nice and I know that if you told Riley you saw me and I didn't help you she would have my head on a pitch fork."

"Damn right I would!"

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