Bill Denbrough | When You Don't Know What's Real

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English isn't my first language, so please excuse any mistakes.


Characters: Bill/fem!reader, Richie, Beverly, Ben, Mike, Stan and Eddie. Georgie and Pennywise are mentioned.

Warnings: Death, kind of.

Word Count: 2170 words.

"Guys?" (Y/N) called them once more, feeling her heart pound in her chest while she was standing where she had been in the last five minutes.

Of course she's got separated from the rest of the group, she should have seen that one coming. (Y/N) didn't know if she should go look for them or if she should wait there, waiting for them to come back for her. She was afraid they wouldn't come back, though. She wondered if that was how Stanley Uris was feeling at the moment.

Stan had disappeared shortly after all the losers had gone down the well. They were looking for him when (Y/N) got separated from the group.

She thought she'd seen Stan running somewhere and her eyes focused in that direction to see if she'd seen correctly, but nothing else moved there. When (Y/N) turned again, her friends were no longer there.

And there she was, lost and frightened, holding a crowbar she'd found in the sewer and taken, in case It tried to attack her. She was looking sideways and listening intently, trying to hear if her friends were calling for her. But it wasn't her name that she had heard, it was a scream.

The voice sounded familiar, only taking a few seconds for her to recognize it as Stan's. He didn't seem to be so far from where she was. She ran off toward the sound, feeling desperate to reach him. If she found Stan, they could look for the others together. (Y/N) felt relieved, she wouldn't be alone anymore.

Her feet moved faster when (Y/N) heard a loud noise, like something - or several things - falling to the floor. The noise was just around the corner, she was so close. A smile appeared on her face before she turned the corner, expecting to see the curly haired boy. But that wasn't exactly what she saw, which made her smile disappear as she felt herself freezing.

Stan was there, along with the rest of the Losers' Club, lying on the floor, not moving, lifeless. (Y/N) stared at them, not believing what she was seeing. She blinked a few times, hoping the bodies would disappear, that it was just in her head. But they were still there, they were real.

She didn't know where she'd taken that strength from, but she felt her legs make her walk up to them. (Y/N) was shaking lightly, tears streaming down her face as she fell to her knees, next to the body that was closer to her.

A sob left her mouth when she saw who it was. Bill Denbrough. (Y/N) felt her heart break when she saw him there. She let go of the crowbar she held tightly and, with her trembling hands, pulled him into her arms, holding him.

She was holding Bill Denbrough's body. Bill, who had been her best friend for a long time, the same sweet boy who always tried to make her feel better, who introduced her to his friends and who eventually became her friends too; the boy who made her heart skip a beat every time he smiled at her, the dead boy in her arms.

(Y/N) closed her eyes tightly, feeling more tears stream down her cheeks. She opened them after a few seconds, lifting her gaze to the other losers; The first one she saw was Bev.

The funny and understanding Beverly Marsh, the only other girl in the club. Bev was the reason they were there... Had they found her before they died? The Marsh girl often slept in (Y/N)'s house and they always had so much fun; they had each other's backs since they met, they were so close.

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