Eddie Kaspbrak | Neighbor To The Rescue

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English isn't my first language, so please excuse any mistakes.


Warnings: Henry harassing/hurting the reader.

Characters: Eddie/fem!reader, Henry, losers' club.

Word Count: 2381 words.

Being alone was the worst thing of all. (Y/N) hated being alone, it made her feel vulnerable, made her feel that everyone passing by was looking at her, feeling that anything bad that could happen would happenwhen she was alone, with no one she knew or trusted. That was how she felt as she walked back home.

Almost no one was on the street where she was walking, sometimes a few cars and people would pass by, but not as much as she expected. Walking down that street made (Y/N) feel like she was in that horror movie she had seen once, she felt like she was in a ghost town, and she didn't like it at all.

Every time she heard the hurried footsteps of someone coming from behind her, she didn't know if she should be happy to have someone walking in that place or if she should be afraid if that person wanted to harm her.

But all the people who rushed past her were adults or teenagers late for something they should be doing, apologizing when they bumped into her. (Y/N) just murmured a quick "that's okay" and kept walking, feeling lightly happy to have someone else there, even if only for a few moments. Someone who didn't want to hurt her.

(Y/N) was relieved, walking a little slower now that she was close to her house. She just had to go to the end of the street, turn the corner, and walk a few more steps. Home. She allowed herself to smile a little at herself for already feeling safe, until she heard footsteps coming from behind her again.

Just one more person who is late, she hoped. She was wrong this time, though. She noticed this when she heard Henry Bowers' familiar voice call out to her name, causing the girl to freeze.

Bowers had never bothered her. The girl had heard stories from other kids about Henry, and this only made her try to become invisible to him. But recently, he seemed to have noticed her. Not only that, but he developed an interest in her. How unlucky could she be?

(Y/N) thought of running, she knew Henry would probably reach her before she got home, but it was worth a shot. She tried to move her feet, but, for some reason, she couldn't. The girl just felt herself able to move again when he stopped in front of her, a smirk on his face.

Fear was all she could feel at that moment as she felt Henry's eyes on her, checking her out shamelessly. She was alone on an empty street with Henry Bowers, what could go wrong? Everything.

"Hey beautiful." as he spoke, the only thing she could think about was whether anyone would hear her if she screamed. And if they did, would they help her? She hoped so, but something in her mind said they probably wouldn't.

(Y/N) shifted uncomfortably, just wanting to get out of there as fast as she could. Her feet moved carefully, trying to get past him while she said "Look, I need to go, my parents-"

Bowers didn't look like he'd let her go so soon, though, holding her arm slightly, which made her stop walking. "Your parents won't mind if you come home a few minutes late, right?" he let go of her arm, his hand going to the girl's cheek, caressing it. "I promise to be quick."

(Y/N) didn't know what came over her, but she slapped Henry's hand away, a serious expression on her face. "Leave me alone." and with all the courage left in her, she let her feet keep walking, though she felt she'd fall at any moment.

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